Snmp traps – Amer Networks E5Web GUI User Manual
Page 79

This specifies the log messages that will be affected by the exception. If the ID number of the
log message is not specified then all log messages for the specified category will be included.
The ID of specific log messages can be found in the Log Reference Guide.
This can be one the following:
Exclude - This will exclude the specified log message(s) even if they are allowed by the
severity filter.
Include - This will include the specified log message(s) even if they are excluded by the
severity filter.
In addition, the Severity of the included message(s) can be specified. If this is set to
Default the original severity is used. Otherwise, the severity is set to the specified value.
This provides the ability to raise (or lower) the severity of specific log messages.
2.2.8. SNMP Traps
The SNMP protocol
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a means for communicating between a Network
Management System (NMS) and a managed device. SNMP defines 3 types of messages: a Read
command for an NMS to examine a managed device, a Write command to alter the state of a
managed device and a Trap which is used by managed devices to send messages
asynchronously to an NMS about a change of state.
SNMP Traps in cOS Core
cOS Core takes the concept of an SNMP Trap one step further by allowing any event message to
be sent as an SNMP trap. This means that the administrator can set up SNMP Trap notification of
events that are considered significant in the operation of a network.
The file Clavister-TRAP.MIB which is included under the SNMP directory in the cOS Core
distribution, defines the SNMP objects and data types that are used to describe an SNMP Trap
received from cOS Core.
There is one generic trap object called OSGenericTrap, that is used for all traps. This object
includes the following parameters:
System - The system generating the trap
Severity - Severity of the message
Category - What cOS Core subsystem is reporting the problem
ID - Unique identification within the category
Description - A short textual description
Action - What action is cOS Core taking
This information can be cross-referenced to the Log Reference Guide.
Chapter 2: Management and Maintenance