Amer Networks E5Web GUI User Manual

Page 43

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Not all object types belong in a category. The object type UserAuthRule is a type without a
category and will appear in the category list after pressing tab at the beginning of a command.

The category is sometimes also referred to as the CLI context. The category does not have to be
entered for the command to be valid but always appears when using tab completion. As
discussed later, when commands are created automatically using CLI scripting, cOS Core omits
the category in the commands it creates.

Selecting Object Categories

With some categories, it is necessary to first choose a member of that category with the cc
(change category) command before individual objects can be manipulated. This is the case, for
example, with routes. There can be more than one routing table, so when adding or
manipulating a route we first have to use the cc command to identify which routing table we are
interested in.

Suppose a route is to be added to the routing table main. The first command would be:

Device:/> cc RoutingTable main


Notice that the command prompt changes to indicate the current category. The route can now
be added:

Device:/main> add Route Name=new_route1 Interface=lan Network=If1_net

To deselect the category, the command is cc on its own:

Device:/main> cc


The categories that require an initial cc command before object manipulation have a "/"
character following their names when displayed by a show command. For example:
RoutingTable/ .

Specifying Multiple Property Values

Sometimes a command property may need multiple values. For example, some commands use
the property AccountingServers and more than one value can be specified for this property. When
specifying multiple values, they should be separated by a comma "," character. For example, if
three servers server1, server2, server3 need to be specified then the property assignment in the
command would be:


Inserting into Rule Lists

Rule lists such as the IP rule set have an ordering which is important. When adding using the CLI
add command, the default is to add a new rule to the end of a list. When placement at a
particular position is crucial, the add command can include the Index= parameter as an option.
Inserting at the first position in a list is specified with the parameter Index=1 in an add command,
the second position with the parameter Index=2 and so on.

Referencing by Name

Chapter 2: Management and Maintenance


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