The minimum requirements for traffic flow, Enabling dhcp – Amer Networks E5Web GUI User Manual

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See Chapter 5, DHCP Services for more information about this topic.

Example 3.42. Enabling DHCP

Assume that the wan is connected to the gateway of the ISP. The requirement is to enable DHCP
on this interface.

Command-Line Interface

Device:/> set Interface Ethernet wan DHCPEnabled=Yes


Follow the same steps used for the Web Interface below.

Web Interface


Go to: Network > Interfaces and VPN > Ethernet


Select the wan interface


Select the option Enable DHCP Client


Click OK

3.11.3. The Minimum Requirements for Traffic Flow

An important cOS Core principle that is repeated throughout this manual and which will be
stated again here, is that there are a minimum of two cOS Core configuration components
required for data traffic to flow through a Clavister Security Gateway:

A Matching Route

When traffic arrives at one cOS Core interface, it has a destination IP address. A cOS Core
routing table contain routes which specify which destination IP address or network can be
found on which interface. cOS Core uses this information to then forward the data out
through the right interface.

A Matching IP Rule or IP Policy

Before any traffic can flow out through the interface decided by a route, there must be an IP
or IP Policy object defined that allows this traffic to flow.

IP rules and IP policies make up the security policies of the security gateway and can block or
allow traffic based on its protocol type as well as on the combination of source/destination
and interface/network. No rules or policies exist by default and all traffic is therefore dropped
until one is defined which allows it.

As explained in Section 3.6, “IP Rules and IP Policies”, an IP policy is a simplified and more
convenient method of defining IP rules.

The creation of the appropriate route and IP rules or IP policies for Internet access is discussed in
the sections that follow.

Chapter 3: Fundamentals


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