Dhcp setup – Amer Networks E5Web GUI User Manual
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The IP address of the ISP's "gateway" router.
A network address for the network between the ISP and the Clavister Security Gateway. This
can be used for addressing any hosts that lie on this network aside from the ISP's gateway.
Note: cOS Core ignores the broadcast address
The broadcast IP address need not be specified. It is automatically calculated by cOS
Core but is not responded to.
Creating IP Objects
Once the ISP has provided the necessary information, several IP objects in the cOS Core Address
Book need to be defined. The address book provides a way to associate a text name with an IP
address, IP range or IP network. Instead of re-typing IP addresses, these names can then be
selected throughout the Web Interface and InControl as well as being used with CLI commands.
Before defining any new addresses, the address book already contains a number of useful
addresses by default. One of the most useful is the all-nets address, which corresponds to the
IPv4 address (all hosts and networks).
To create the IP objects necessary for Internet access, go to Objects > Address Book in the Web
Interface or InControl and then select Add > IP address.
The following IP objects should be added or modified:
Create a new IP object called gw-world with the IPv4 address of the ISP gateway.
One interface on the hardware must be dedicated as a connection to the ISP. We will assume
here that the interface is wan. This interface will have the IP address object wan_ip as its IP
address and belong to the network wan_net. Modify the object wan_ip so it is assigned the
public IPv4 address of the Clavister Security Gateway.
The object wan_net should be allocated the network address provided by the ISP. This is the
network between the Clavister Security Gateway and the ISP and both the wan and the ISP's
gateway will belong to it.
Interface Naming
The physical interface wan is assumed in this manual to be the default name of the interface to
which the ISP is connected. Different hardware models can have different default names and
these names may be changed by the administrator. The above should therefore be adapted for
the particular hardware in use.
cOS Core uses certain naming conventions for particular objects, such as gw-world for the ISP
gateway. These need not be followed by the administrator but if they are followed, it makes
examination of a configuration by support personnel easier.
3.11.2. DHCP Setup
The IP addresses defined in the previous section can alternatively be retrieved automatically
from the ISP using the DHCP protocol. This is done by enabling DHCP on the Ethernet interface.
The address book will now be automatically populated with all relevant IP addresses as they are
received from the ISP via DHCP.
Chapter 3: Fundamentals