Amer Networks E5Web GUI User Manual
Page 343

Specifying a network or address range is, of course, only possible if the administrator has some
knowledge of the network topology and often this may not be the case.
Multiple Switch Routes are Connected Together
The setup steps listed above describe placing all the interfaces into a single interface group
object which is associated with a single switch route.
An alternative to one switch route is to not use an interface group but instead use an individual
switch route for each interface. The end result is the same. All the switch routes defined in a
single routing table will be connected together by cOS Core and no matter how interfaces are
associated with the switch routes, transparency will exist between them.
For example, if the interfaces if1 to if6 appear in a switch routes in routing table A, the resulting
interconnections will be as illustrated below.
Connecting together switch routes in this way only applies, however, if all interfaces are
associated with the same routing table. The situation where they are not, is described next.
Creating Separate Transparent Mode Networks
If we now have two routing tables A and B so that interfaces if1, if2 and if3 appear in a switch
route in table A and interfaces if4, if5, if6 appear in a switch route in table B, the resulting
interconnections will be as illustrated below.
The diagram above illustrates how switch route interconnections for one routing table are
completely separate from the switch route interconnections for another routing table. By using
different routing tables in this way we can create two separate transparent mode networks.
The routing table used for an interface is decided by the Routing Table Membership parameter for
each interface. To implement separate transparent mode networks, interfaces must have their
Routing Table Membership reset.
By default, all interfaces have Routing Table Membership set to be all routing tables. By default,
one main routing table always exists and once an additional routing table has been defined, the
Membership for any interface can then be set to be that new table.
Chapter 4: Routing