Amer Networks E5Web GUI User Manual
Page 216

Device:/> appcontrol compression
compression - Compression:
2 application(s)
To view a single definition, the individual name can be used without the family. For example, to
display the comp definition within the compression family:
Device:/> appcontrol comp
comp - Compression
COMP protocol is used for data compression over PPP.
Risk Level:
1 - Very low risk
The Tags and Risk Level add further information to each definition but are not part of the
definition híerarchy. The Risk Level indicates the degree of threat that this particular application
poses. The Tags provide more information about the data traffic related to the application, for
example High Bandwidth might be a typical tag.
It is possible to search the definition database by using any of the filter parameters:
The name parameter must always be the first in a search but the asterisk "*" character can be
used as a wildcard. For example:
Device:/> appcontrol -name=* -family=mail -risk=HIGH
As demonstrated earlier, the -save_list option is used to save a filter list so it can be used with IP
rules and IP policies.
Managing Filters
As shown in the application example above for controlling BitTorrent, the appcontrol CLI
command is also used to create saved filters which are then used with the CLI in ApplicationRule
objects. For example, the following will create a saved filter for BitTorrent:
Device:/> appcontrol -filter -application=bittorrent,utp -save_list
The -application parameter specifies the individual signatures by name. An alternative is to use
the -name parameter which allows wildcarding and searches the signatures names looking for
character pattern matches. For example, we could have specified:
Device:/> appcontrol -filter -name=bit* -save_list
All the signatures with names that begin with the prefix bit would have been selected. It would
not have been possible to select bittorrent and utp using the -name parameter.
Chapter 3: Fundamentals