Amer Networks E5Web GUI User Manual
Page 771

in routing rules, 275
MTU size, 137
neighbor discovery, 138
ping command usage, 139
proxy neighbor discovery, 138
with high availability, 140
ISP connection setup (see internet access setup)
IPsec AES acceleration, 616
upgrading cOS Core, 114
virtual interfaces, 152, 159
L2TP, 619
advanced settings, 626
client, 627
HA synchronization support, 712
quick start guide, 575
server, 621
using IPsec transport model, 626
L2TP Before Rules setting, 626
L2TPv3, 628
HA synchronization support, 712
server setup, 629
server setup with VLANs, 632
L3 Cache Size setting, 355
LAN to LAN tunnels, 599
quick start guide, 570, 571
Large Buffers (reassembly) setting, 741
Layer Size Consistency setting, 722
ARP authentication, 542
attributes, 528
authentication, 527
authentication with PPP, 533
MS Active Directory, 528
primary group restriction, 528
servers, 606
with non-Microsoft servers, 530
with OpenLDAP server, 530
licenses, 121
connection number limit, 124
exceeding license limits, 123
for HA clusters, 124, 124, 701
installing, 121
license files, 121
more restrictive license effect, 124
SCP upload, 124
startup wizard installation, 122
VMware, 125
link aggregation, 165
distribution methods, 166
interfaces that cannot be used, 165
LACP (negotiated), 165
static, 165
with HA, 167
link monitor, 94
HA cluster IPsec tunnels, 96
initializing NICs, 95
monitoring multiple hosts, 95
Reconf Failover Time, 96
with high availability, 717
link state algorithms, 296
Local Console Timeout setting, 65
local IP address in routes, 255
lockdown mode, 122
causes, 123
ending, 123
from more restrictive license, 124
Log Checksum Errors setting, 720
Log Connections setting, 730
Log Connection Usage setting, 731
logging, 73
advanced settings, 80
Clavister logger, 77
memlog, 75
message exceptions, 78
severity filter, 78
SNMP traps, 79
syslog, 75
time stamping, 74
login authentication, 535
log messages, 73
Log non IPv4/IPv6 setting, 721
Log Open Fails setting, 730
Logout at shutdown (RADIUS) setting, 87, 87
logout from CLI, 49
Log Oversized Packets setting, 735
Log Received TTL 0 setting, 721
Log Reverse Opens setting, 730
Log State Violations setting, 730
loopback interfaces, 153, 178
parameters, 178
setting up, 179
Low Broadcast TTL Action setting, 723
MAC address, 184
in the address book, 130
with ARP, 184
with ARP publish, 186
MAC authentication (see ARP authentication)
management access
changing access rule/IP address, 60
changing a remote access rule, 63
changing HA management IPs, 63
changing the interface IP, 62
changing validation timeout, 61
default interface, 34
default IP address, 33, 60
VPN routing problem, 39
management interfaces, 31
advanced settings, 65
and IPv6, 140
configuring remote access, 49
managing cOS Core, 31
Max AH Length setting, 734
Max Auto Routes (DHCP) setting, 370
Max Concurrent (reassembly) setting, 741
Max Connections (reassembly) setting, 745
Max Connections setting, 731
Max ESP Length setting, 734
Max GRE Length setting, 734
Max Hops (DHCP) setting, 370
Max ICMP Length setting, 734
Max IPIP/FWZ Length setting, 735
Max IPsec IPComp Length setting, 735
Max L2TP Length setting, 735
Max lease Time (DHCP) setting, 370
Max Memory (reassembly) setting, 745
Max OSPF Length setting, 735
Alphabetical Index