INFICON IC/5 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual
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IC/5 Operating Manual
CO-DEPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes/No
This feature allows two Layers to be run concurrently with the pertinent sources
controlled independently. The Layers to be co- deposited must be sequential in
the Process. The default value is NO. This parameter cannot be changed while
running a Process. To specify co-deposition, enter YES in the co-deposition
parameter for the first layer after both layers are defined.
When the first Layer reaches Final Thickness prior to the second Layer, the
second Layer will terminate. When the second Layer reaches Final Thickness
prior to the first Layer, the first Layer will continue in DEPOSIT until reaching its
own Final Thickness.
RATIO CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 to 999.9%
This parameter is used with the co-deposition feature. It establishes a
Master/Slave relationship between the two sources being co-deposited. The
first Layer is always the Master, with the second Layer’s rate being controlled
to a percentage of the first Layer’s rate. Allowable values range from 0.0 to
999.9%. The default is 0.0, which disables the function.
RateWatcher™ Sample and Hold Feature
Two parameters, Ratewatch Time and Ratewatch Accuracy, enable the Sample
and Hold feature. When enabled, this feature periodically samples the deposition
rate by automatically opening the sensor shutter and exposing the sensor to the
deposition source. The power is adjusted so the actual rate is set to the desired
rate. The sensor shutter is then automatically closed and power is held constant at
the adjusted level. A five second time delay for thermal stabilization occurs
between opening the shutter and taking measurements. During this time, "DELAY"
in the IC/5 message area.
RATEWATCH TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00:00 to 99:59 min:sec
Ratewatch Time determines the time interval between sample periods. The
crystal shutter relay is in its normal state during this time. Values range from
00:00 to 99:59 minutes:seconds. The default value is 00:00, which disables the
During a Rate Ramp, the Sample and Hold feature is inactive; the crystal
shutter is open and the rate is controlled by the crystal.
RATEWATCH ACCURACY . . . . . . . 1 to 99.9%
During the rate sampling period, the deposition rate is measured by the crystal;
source power control is active. When the rate is within the desired accuracy
continuously for five seconds, the shutter is closed and the deposition state
returns to HOLD. The minimum accuracy is 1% or 0.1 Å/s, whichever is greater.
Values range from 1 to 99.9%. The default value is 5%.