Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual

Page 30

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Configuring Printgroove POD Queue


Printgroove POD Queue



From the menu select [File] --> [Printers] --> [Discover Now]. A pop-up
message will open, notifying you that Discovery has been initiated.
Click the [OK] button to close the message.

Set the Printer Status Update Interval

The Printer Status Update Interval is the time interval at which Printgroove
POD Queue polls the Discovered and Manually Added printers to check sta-
tus and configuration information. This information is then sent back and up-
dated in the Printgroove POD Queue GUI. The interval rate is set in seconds.
The following values are selectable from the drop-down menu: 60, 120, 180,
240, 300. The default value is 120 seconds. This value is mandatory and can-
not be disabled.



If a large number of printers are discovered, the amount of time it takes
Printgroove POD Queue to poll and report the values for all the printers
may be significantly longer than the values selected. The value only re-
flects the rate at which the poll is initiated.

Add an SNMP Discovery Range

You may add up to ten exclusive Discovery Ranges. For best performance,
three to five ranges are recommended. Additional ranges beyond this recom-
mend may greatly reduce performance.


From the menu select [Configuration] --> [Server Setup] --> [SNMP].
The SNMP Setup screen opens.


Click the [Add] button. the Add SNMP Range screen opens.


Specify the [Start] and the [End] ranges. The values of the first three oc-
tets in both fields must be identical.


Specify the appropriate [Subnet Mask] for this network.

NOTE: The Subnet Mask is used in conjunction with the Specified
Start and End ranges to determine the appropriate broadcast ad-
dress. This value must be set correctly for Broadcast-based dis-


Click the [OK] button. The Add SNMP Range screen closes.


Click the [Save] button to commit the changes. If the [Cancel] button is
selected, the changes will not be saved.