Check constraints column -18, Export a stored job: option 1 -18, Export a stored job: option 2 -18 – Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual
Page 184

Using Printgroove POD Queue
Printgroove POD Queue
Check Constraints Column
If a Constraint message appears when you try to print a job, the message
may contain Optional constraints. Optional Constraints are, primarily, finish-
ing options that can be ignored without effecting the core settings of the Job
Ticket. If you ignore these missing finishing options and print the job, the
missing settings must be finished off-line.
Printgroove POD Queue provides three methods of reminding you of these
missing settings:
The original Constraint message
Completed Jobs Panel: this panel contains a column named Constraints.
If Yes appears in this column, the operator made
the decision to ignore the Optional Constraints
and print the job. As a result, not all Job Ticket
settings were applied.
The Banner Page:
missing settings are noted on the Banner page
under the Constraints section.
Export a Stored Job: Option 1
This option will combine the job ticket information and the attached PDF file
and zip them together as a .jt-type file, a file type native to Printgroove POD
Queue. Because of this, this option should only be used if you wish to export
and then later import jobs back into Printgroove POD Queue.
Right-click on the job to select it.
Select [Export] from the drop-down menu.
The Save As screen opens. Specify the location where you would like
to save the file.
Click the [Save] button. The Job Ticket and its PDF file are zipped to-
gether and stored as a jt-type file in the specified location.
Jobs may also be Exported from the Inbox panel.
Export a Stored Job: Option 2
This option will combine the job ticket information and the attached PDF file
and zip them together as a JDF-type file, a file type that can be read by Print-
groove POD Queue or any application that understands JDF-type files.