Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual
Page 120

Printgroove POD Queue Tools
Printgroove POD Queue
2. Job Details
Basic Settings
Basic Settings
has two sub-menus:
1. Copies
A search range feature is provided. When [Auto Mode] is selected, all print
jobs that meet the specified copy range are considered for this Group.
2. Paper Settings
Layout Settings
Layout Settings
has no sub-menus. There are two settings:
1. 2 in 1
There are three values in the [2 in 1] drop-down menu: [No Value Set], [On],
[Off]. If [On] is selected, all print jobs that have any [2 in 1] settings specified
are considered for this Group when [Auto Mode] is selected. If [Off] is select-
ed, all print jobs that lack [2 in 1] settings are considered for this Group when
[Auto Mode] is selected.
Color Mode
You may select from the following four radio buttons: [No Value
Set], [Color], [Black & White] or [Mixed]. When [Auto Mode] is
selected, all print jobs that match the selected [Color Mode] are
considered for this Group. If [Color] or [Mixed] are selected, you
may also select the [High Chroma] check box.
Paper Size
Select an output print size from the drop-down menu. When
[Auto Mode] is selected, all print jobs that match the selected
[Paper Size] are considered for this Group. If you select [Cus-
tom], any print job that has a Custom Paper setting will be con-
sidered for this Group.
Paper Type
Select a [Paper Type] from the drop-down menu. When [Auto
Mode] is selected, all print jobs that match the selected [Paper
Type] are considered for this Group.
Paper Weight
Select a value from the drop-down menu. The options are No
Value Set, More than, Less than or Equal to. If required, enter a
numeric value in the spin box. When Auto Mode is selected, all
print jobs that match the selected [Paper Weight] are consid-
ered for this Group.
Paper Color
Select a [Paper Color] from the drop-down menu. When [Auto
Mode] is selected, all print jobs that match the selected [Paper
Color] are considered for this Group.
Paper Name
Enter the [Paper Name] in the text field. This is a user-defined
name. When [Auto Mode] is selected, all print jobs that match
the selected [Paper Name] are considered for this Group.