Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual
Page 171

Using Printgroove POD Queue
Printgroove POD Queue
Select the Job Details sub-menu.
Click the [Upload] button. On the screen that opens, navigate to the
correct PDF file.
Click the [Open] button when the document is located. The screen
closes and the PDF file name appears in the Print Document field.
The print job may now be processed normally.
2. Multiple Files Attached
Jobs may be submitted to Printgroove POD Queue with multiple files at-
tached. Special handling may be required for the job to print. To check if mul-
tiple files are attached and, if so, how they should be handled, follow this
Select the job and double-click it to open the Job Ticket Editor.
Click the [Job Settings] button then select the [Job Details] sub-menu.
In the main display panel, check the [All Attached Files] fields. If there
are two or more documents in the field, the print job requires special
There are two basic reasons a job ticket has more than one file at-
tached to it: either one of the files is for printing and the others con-
tain instructions for processing the job or all of the files need to be
printed. Instructions for processing each of these cases follow.
1 File to Print, 1 File with Instructions
If this situation exists, you need to make sure that Printgroove POD Queue
has the right PDF file to print. You then need to download the instructions
file, open it locally and read it. To do that, follow this procedure:
Click the [Job Settings] button then select the [Notes] sub-menu.
In the main display panel, read the [Notes]. An explanation of the at-
tached files should be noted here. If an explanation is not provided and
you cannot verify which of the attached files the print job is, you should
not process the job. If it is clear which of the attached files is the print
job, continue.
Note: Only PDF files can be attached to the job ticket. If a non-PDF
file is submitted as the print file, download the document then re-
submit it as a New print job using the Printgroove Driver.
Click the [Job Details] sub menu. Verify that the correct document ap-
pears in the [Print Document] field. If it does not, check the [Attached
PDF Files] drop-down and select the print document from the list. If the