Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual
Page 178

Using Printgroove POD Queue
Printgroove POD Queue
The procedure for moving a job to a Cluster or Virtual Queue is identical.
The criteria for using these options is discussed in detail in “Cluster Jobs”
on page 6-22 and “Virtual Queue Jobs” on page 6-28.
There are two methods for moving a job to a printer.
Method 1
Click on a job to select it or hold down the [Shift] key and select multiple
Drag-&-drop the job(s) onto the printer’s icon in the Destination panel.
When the icon highlights, release the job(s).
Printgroove POD Queue processes your request. First, POD Queue
checks to see if the job has any Non-Supported Settings. If settings are
detected, a popup opens and informs you of the issues (see “Resolving
Non-Supported Settings” on page 5-29 for details). After resolving
these (or if none are detected), POD Queue next performs a constraint
check. A pop-up informs you if any constraints are detected. If you re-
ceive a Mandatory constraint, the job will not print unless the Job Tick-
et is modified. Click the Cancel button to close the pop-up and then
correct the constraint. If you’d like a record of the constraint, click the
Export button on the pop-up. Navigate to the correct location and save
a file that contains the constraint information. If the constraints are Op-
tional, you may continue processing the job by clicking the Print button
on the pop-up screen. Once the job finishes printing, a Banner page
prints that notes Job Ticket settings and any Optional constraints you
may have received. You may then choose to complete these processes
off-line. Additionally, the Constraints column in the Completed Jobs
panel will show a value of [Yes]. This indicates that not all specified set-
tings were completed in-line.
If you continue or if no constraints are detected, the job(s) appear
in the Printer Jobs panel, in the folder for the selected printer.
Method 2
Click on a job to select it or hold down the [Shift] key and select multiple
Right-click and select [Move] from the drop-down menu. The Move
Job(s) pop-up screen opens.