Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual
Page 127

Printgroove POD Queue Tools
Printgroove POD Queue
Select a color and a black & white printer for the Cluster from the drop-down
menus. Only Enabled printers appear in the drop-down menus. Select a PI
Tray into which the color pages will be placed for processing from the drop-
down menu. If the selected black & white printer does not have a PI Tray or
does not support multiple page insertion, it cannot be used to create a Clus-
ter and will not appear in the list.
When a print job is dragged to a Color Cluster, two constraint checks are
performed. During the first check, Printgroove POD Queue checks the Job
Ticket for the following illegal settings:
No Color or No B&W pages
Color Intent = B&W
Adhesive Binding
Per Page Settings
Perfect Binding
Because a Color Cluster splits a single print job between a color and a black
and white printer, these settings cannot be properly supported. If detected,
Printgroove POD Queue will open a constraint message that notes the illegal
settings and notifies you that unless these settings are deselected, the Clus-
ter cannot print the job.
Per Page Insertion
The black and white printer’s PI Tray is required, in order to add the color
pages to the black and white portion of the print job. For this reason, addi-
tional PI settings would cause a conflict. To avoid this, Per Page Insertion
settings are not supported for Color Clusters.
If no illegal settings are detected, Printgroove POD Queue conducts a sec-
ond constraint check and compares the supported Job Ticket settings with
the capabilities of each clustered printer. If the job has the High Chroma
check box selected and the cluster does not support High Chroma printing,
this will also be considered an illegal setting. A printer-specific constraint
message will open and inform you of any detected constraints.
Since all finishing on a Color Cluster is done on the black & white printer,
finishing constraints are only checked for the black & white printer.