Recommend algorithm -43, 2 recommend algorithm – Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual
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Printgroove POD Queue Tools
Printgroove POD Queue
Recommend Algorithm
A printer or Cluster recommend is determined using the following algorithm.
Color Intent:
Printgroove POD Queue first determines which print-
ers and Clusters match the color requirements of the
print job. Both the Color Intent radio button selection
(B&W, Color, Mixed) and the High Chroma check box
(selected/On or not selected/Off) are included as
Printgroove POD Queue looks for Printers and Clus-
ters to support the job.
Printers or Clusters that do not match are eliminated
as possible recommends. The header rows of these
eliminated printers or Clusters turn gray.
NOTE: If a print job has [Mixed] selected as the Color
Intent, Printgroove POD Queue considers all Color
Split Clusters. If you have not created a Color Split
Cluster, no recommend is made.
NOTE: If a print job has Color selected as the Color In-
tent, it cannot be sent to a Page or Quantity cluster
since color printers cannot be clustered together. In
this situation, all Page and Quantity clusters will be
eliminated as possible recommends.
Paper Size, Paper Weight, Paper
Printgroove POD Queue considers the [Paper Size],
[Paper Weight], and [Paper Type] requirements of the
print job. If any of the remaining printers or Clusters do
not support these settings, the printer or Cluster is
eliminated as a possible recommend. The header
rows of these eliminated printers or Clusters turn gray.
Printgroove POD Queue considers the remaining
printers and checks their Layout support. There are
four Layout options: [Single-Sided], [Double-Sided],
[Adhesive Binding] or [Booklet]. Printers or Clusters
that cannot process the selected [Layout] setting of
the print job are eliminated as possible recommends.
The header rows of these eliminated printers or Clus-
ters turn gray.
NOTE: If a print job has Booklet or Adhesive Binding
selected, it cannot be sent to a Color cluster since a
single print job is split between two printers. In this sit-
uation, all Color clusters will be eliminated as possible
Job Ticket Constraint Check:
Printgroove POD Queue next conducts a constraint
check to see if the Job Ticket itself contains any set-
tings that create an internal conflict. If a Job Ticket
constraint is found, all printer and Cluster header rows
turn red and a recommend cannot be made until the
internal conflict is resolved.
NOTE: If a print job is only one page, it cannot be sent
to a Page cluster. In this situation, all Page clusters
will be eliminated as possible recommends.
NOTE: If a print job has 1Copy selected, it cannot be
sent to a Quantity cluster. In this situation, all Quantity
clusters will be eliminated as possible recommends.