Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual
Page 128

Printgroove POD Queue Tools
Printgroove POD Queue
Quantity Cluster
Use for print jobs that have multiple copies. Print jobs assigned to this type
of Cluster are split evenly between two or more printers. Only black & white
printers may be used for this type of Cluster.
The drop-down menu contains all Enabled black & white printers. To add a
printer to the Cluster, select it from the drop-down menu. A selected check-
box and the printer’s name will appear under the Selected Printers field. To
remove a printer, deselect the checkbox. The printer’s name and the check-
box are removed. Any remaining checkboxes and printer names move up if
a blank space is created.
When a print job is dragged to a Quantity Cluster, two constraint checks are
performed. During the first check, Printgroove POD Queue checks the Job
Ticket for the following illegal settings:
Copy Count = 1
Color Intent = Color or Mixed
Because a Quantity Cluster splits a single print job with multiple copies be-
tween two or more black & white printers, these settings cannot be properly
supported. If detected, Printgroove POD Queue will open a constraint mes-
sage that notes the illegal settings and notifies you that unless these settings
are deselected, the Cluster cannot print the job.
If no illegal settings are detected, Printgroove POD Queue conducts a sec-
ond constraint check and compares the supported Job Ticket settings with
the capabilities of each clustered printer. A printer-specific constraint mes-
sage will open and inform you of any detected constraints.