Settings, Sub-settings, Sub-settings values – Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual
Page 101

Printgroove POD Queue Tools
Printgroove POD Queue
Non-Supported Settings are broken down into three categories in the display
Sub-Settings Values
. In the example
above, Back Cover is the Setting, Paper Weight, Paper Color, Paper Grade
and Paper Coating are the Sub-Settings. The details that appears after the
equal (=) sign are the Sub-Setting Values. Collectively, these settings tell you
that a very specific type of paper is required for the Back Cover of the print
job. Because the settings appear here, it means that Printgroove POD Queue
does not recognize these values. For the job to process properly, you must
note the correct type of paper, add it to a tray in a specific printer, then send
the print job to that printer.
The following table notes all the Non-Supported Settings and the various
processing options available for handling these cases.
Non-Supported Settings Processing Options
Processing Options
Proofing Intent
Soft Proof
A Soft Copy proof of the print job is required.
The setting is noted on the Banner Page of the
Hard Proof
A Hard Copy proof of the print job is required.
The setting is noted on the Banner Page of the
Number of Copies
(numeric value)
If the copy count appears here, it indicates that
the values exceeds the capability of the device.
Resolve using one of the following options:
• Process the job through a Cluster
• Select a different printer
• Add a note about this limitation to the Notes
field and return the job back to POD Guide
Back Cover
These Back Cover Paper values are not recog-
nized by Printgroove POD Queue and must be
applied manually. Resolve as follows:
• Load the correct paper into a tray, then select
the same tray via the Job Ticket Editor (Cover
Sheet Settings --> Back Cover --> Paper
Source). Drag-&-drop the job to the device to
which the selected tray belongs and the job
should process normally, printing the Back
Cover on the correct paper.
The setting is noted on the Banner Page of the