Videotec DCT User Manual

Page 172

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Illustration of the result for this example

The aim is to create an interface containing three groups of buttons, as shown in the illustration above. The
following functions will be assigned to the various buttons:

“Stop” function (associated with parameter 0)

“Play” function (associated with parameter 1)

“Select camera No. 1 for device No.1” function

“Select camera No. 2 for device No.1”” function

“Stop” function and “Display camera No. 1 for device No.1” function

“Play” function and “Display camera No. 2 for device No.1” function

The keyboard should communicate with a video device that has been assigned the address 1.

Defining page No. 1 in the maps

Using the “Keyboard Maps” programme, we create an empty graphics project.
In the first page we insert 2 keys (in our case they are chosen from those in the library).
To the first key we associate the function “jump to the main menu” and to the second key the function “jump
to page No. 30”. To do this we double-click with the mouse on the corresponding key and select the
appropriate function from the menu.

1. Jump to the main menu
2. Jump to page No. 30

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