Videotec DCT User Manual
Page 155
Arranging the keys
To make the map as functional as possible it is necessary to arrange a number of keys inside it before
associating them with given functions.
If you click with the left key on the desired position inside the map, a grey key will appear, but the user will
not find this very useful because when it is transferred to the keyboard it will be invisible.
A better way to proceed is to choose one of the keys in the Icon library and drag it to the desired position in
the map, as illustrated below.
Note the difference in the image between the grey
keys and those dragged from the library.
1. Dragged key
2. Grey key (click with left key of mouse)
The combobox below the Icon library can be used to select a range of folders containing different categories
of key. The user is free to add new keys to existing folders and may also define new folders or delete them.
Adding a new key or a new key folder
Design the key ( 40
×32 pixel, B&W bitmap image).
Go to the folder C:\Programmes\Keyboard\Maps\Icons, containing the folders used by the
programme and copy the image of the key into one of the existing folders or create a new folder for
the key.
Close the programme and restart it.
Adding/deleting a key folder
It is possible to add a new folder (Category) by clicking on the
key, then entering the name of the new
category into the dialogue box and saving it with the
In the same way it is possible to delete the selected Category by clicking on the
key and confirming in
the subsequent dialogue box.
Assigning keys-functions
After a key has been positioned in a map, it must be assigned one or more functions so that when it is pressed
the keyboard will execute a given control.
To do this it is necessary to:
Double-click on the relevant key (or click on the key with the right mouse button and select Properties) to
display the “ Key Properties” window (see § - “Key Properties” window, page 154).
Select the relevant fields in the setup window. Depending on the choices made, the programme may hide
some functions and show others in order to prevent conflicts.
On completion click on Save and exit to save the setting and return to the map.
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