Videotec DCT User Manual

Page 144

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The following example describes how to make this kind of setup:

Video/Type: you must select a matrix, for example “32/8 VIDEOTEC”.

Video/Protocol: the protocol must be “MACRO”.

Video/Baud Rate: choose the most appropriate value.

Choose the Telemetry line (A or B) you wish to use (in the example it is the Telemetry A line).

Telemetry A/Connector: select “Video” (at this point the combobox for the baud rate will disappear
because for transmission the keyboard will use the baud rate chosen for the Video connector).

Telemetry A/Protocol: choose the protocol used by the domes/receivers.

From now on all the cameras associated with Telemetry A (see § - Cameras, page 143) can be
controlled via the Video line.

Keyboard - Sanyo/Sony DVR/MUX
The keyboard is connected to one or more Sanyo or Sony DVR's or MUX's via the Video line. In this
case it is possible to connect both DVR/MUX's and domes or receivers to the same (Video)
communication line.
Since this is specific to the Sanyo communication protocol, the choice of video device is restricted to the
following cases:

Sanyo DVR, Sanyo MUX

Sony DVR, Sony MUX (because they use the Sanyo communication protocol).

Of course, the telemetry protocols must also be members of the Sanyo family, hence:

Sanyo SSP

Sanyo HSSP.

The following example describes how to make this type of configuration:

Video/Type: select “DVR/MUX”.

Video/Protocol: choose one of the following units:



SANYO DVR/MU (this is the only protocol that allows DVR's and MUX's to be connected
simultaneously on the same communication line; in all other cases the keyboard is only able to
manage networks consisting of DVR's only or MUX's only).



Video/Baud Rate: choose the most appropriate value.

Before selecting Telemetry (A or B)/Connector, set the Telemetry (A or B)/Protocol combobox with
one of the following protocols:



Telemetry (A or B)/Connector: only at this stage select “Video” (the programme would not have
allowed its selection at the previous step). The combobox for the baud rate will then disappear
because for transmission the keyboard will use the baud rate selected for the Video connector.

From now on all the cameras associated with Telemetry A (see § - Cameras, page 143) can be
controlled via the Video line.


Depending on the option button selected it is possible to make the settings as described in § -
Buzzer/Display, page 39


For the six fields present in this section it is possible to enter the passwords (three system passwords and
three user passwords) in exactly the same way as described in § 4.2.5 - Password, page 37.
The keyboard will not request the password for fields without settings.
Example of use of a user password: suppose you want to use the maps to develop an environment that
also needs a reserved area (e.g. map No. 5), to which only a single user is allowed access.
The solution is extremely simple if you set the parameters in the Keyboard Maps programme (see § - “Jump page” Controls, page 155
) so that it is only possible to gain access to map No. 5 after
entering a specific password (at Level 3 for example) that is only known to the authorised user.

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