Yaskawa SGDS Sigma III Servo Amplifier User Manual
Yaskawa Equipment
Table of contents
Document Outline
- About this Manual
- Related Manuals
- Safety Information
- Notes for Safe Operation
- 1 Outline
- 2 System Selection
- 3 SERVOPACK Specifications and Dimensional Drawings
- 3.1 SERVOPACK Ratings and Specifications
- 3.2 SERVOPACK Installation
- 3.3 SERVOPACK Internal Block Diagrams
- 3.4 SERVOPACK Power Supply Capacities and Power Losses
- 3.5 SERVOPACK Overload Characteristics and Load Moment of Inertia
- 3.5.1 Overload Characteristics
- 3.5.2 Starting and Stopping Time
- 3.5.3 Load Moment of Inertia
- (1) Load Moment of Inertia and Motor Speed for SGMAH Servomotors
- (2) Load Moment of Inertia and Motor Speed for SGMPH Servomotors
- (3) Load Moment of Inertia and Motor Speed for SGMGH Servomotors
- (4) Load Moment of Inertia and Motor Speed for SGMSH Servomotors
- (5) Load Moment of Inertia and Motor Speed for SGMCS Servomotors
- (6) Allowable Load Moment of Inertia at the Motor Shaft
- 3.6 SERVOPACK Dimensional Drawings
- 3.7 Dimensional Drawings of Base-mounted SERVOPACK Model SGDS-ooo12A / -ooo12A
- 4 Specifications and Dimensional Drawings of Cables and Peripheral Devices
- 4.1 SERVOPACK Main Circuit Wire Size
- 4.2 Connectors for Main Circuit, Control Power Supply, and Servomotor Cable
- 4.3 CN1 Cables for I/O Signals
- 4.4 Peripheral Devices
- 4.4.1 Digital Operator
- 4.4.2 Cables for Analog Monitor
- 4.4.3 External Regenerative Resistor
- 4.4.4 Absolute Encoder Battery
- 4.4.5 Molded-case Circuit braker (MCCB)
- 4.4.6 Noise Filter
- 4.4.7 Magnetic Contactor
- 4.4.8 Surge Protector
- 4.4.9 AC/DC Reactors for Power Supplied Designed for Minimum Harmonics
- 4.4.10 MECHATROLINK/MECHATROLINK II Communication Cable
- 4.4.12 Cable with Connectors at both ends for Fully-closed Control
- 4.4.13 Serial Converter Unit for Fully-closed Control
- 5 Wiring
- 5.1 Wiring Main Circuit
- 5.1.1 Names and Descriptions of Main Circuit Terminals
- 5.1.2 Wiring Main Circuit Terminal Block (Spring Type)
- 5.1.3 Typical Main Circuit Wiring Examples
- (1) Single-phase, 100/200 V
- (2) Three-phase, 200 V
- (3) 800 W, Single-phase 200V
- (4) DC Power Supply Input
- (a) Main Circuit and Control Power Supply Input
- 1. Servomotor returns the regenerative energy to the power supply when regenerating. SERVOPACK does not regenerate with DC power supply input specifications, so regenerate the energy on the power supply side.
- 2. Take appropriate measures to ensure that a high charging current stays inside the SERVOPACK when power is OFF.
- (a) Main Circuit and Control Power Supply Input
- 5.2 Wiring Encoders
- 5.3 I/O Signal Connections
- 5.4 Wiring MECHATROLINK II Communications
- 5.5 Fully-closed Encoder Connections
- 5.6 Others
- 5.6.1 Wiring Precautions
- 1. For wiring for reference inputs and encoders, use the specified cables. Refer to 4 Specifications and Dimensional Drawings of Cables and Peripheral Devices for details. Use cables that are as short as possible.
- 2. For a ground wire, use as thick a cable as possible (2.0 mm2 (0.079 in2) or thicker).
- 3. Do not bend or apply tension to cables.
- 4. Use a noise filter to prevent noise interference. (For details, refer to 5.6.2 Wiring for Noise Control.)
- 5. To prevent malfunction due to noise, take the following actions:
- 6. Use a molded-case circuit braker (QF) or fuse to protect the power supply line from high voltage.
- 7. The SERVOPACKs do not have built-in ground protection circuits. To configure a safer system, install an earth leakage braker ...
- 5.6.2 Wiring for Noise Control
- (1) Wiring Example
- (2) Correct Grounding
- (3) Using Noise Filters
- 1. Do not put the input and output lines in the same duct or bundle them together.
- 2. Separate the noise filter ground wire from the output lines. Do not accommodate the noise filter ground wire, output lines and other signal lines in the same duct or bundle them together.
- 3. Connect the noise filter ground wire directly to the ground plate. Do not connect the noise filter ground wire to other ground wires.
- 4. When grounding a noise filter inside a unit: If a noise filter is located inside a unit, connect the noise filter ground wire and the ground wires from other devices inside the unit to the ground plate for the unit first, then ground these wires.
- 5.6.3 Using More Than One SERVOPACK
- 5.6.4 400 V Power Supply Voltage
- 5.6.5 AC/DC Reactor for Harmonic Suppression
- 5.6.1 Wiring Precautions
- 5.7 Connecting Regenerative Resistors
- 5.7.1 Regenerative Power and Regenerative Resistance
- 5.7.2 Connecting Externally Regenerative Resistors
- 5.1 Wiring Main Circuit
- 6 MECHATROLINK II Communications
- 6.1 Specifications and Configuration
- 6.2 Switches for MECHATROLINK II Communications Settings
- 6.3 Main Commands
- 6.3.1 No Operation (NOP: 00H)
- 6.3.2 Read Parameter (PRM_RD: 01H)
- 6.3.3 Write Parameter (PRM_WR: 02H)
- 6.3.4 Read ID (ID_RD: 03H)
- 6.3.5 Set Up Device (CONFIG: 04H)
- 6.3.6 Read Alarm or Warning (ALM_RD: 05H)
- 6.3.7 Clear Alarm or Warning (ALM_CLR: 06H)
- 6.3.8 Start Synchronous Communications (SYNC_SET: 0DH)
- 6.3.9 MECHATROLINK II Connection (CONNECT: 0EH)
- 6.3.10 Disconnection (DISCONNECT: 0FH)
- 6.3.11 Read Non-volatile Parameter (PPRM_RD: 1BH)
- 6.3.12 Write Non-volatile Parameter (PPRM_WR: 1CH)
- 6.3.13 Set Coordinates (POS_SET: 20H)
- 6.3.14 Apply Brake (BRK_ON: 21H)
- 6.3.15 Release Brake (BRK_OFF: 22H)
- 6.3.16 Turn Sensor ON (SENS_ON: 23H)
- 6.3.17 Turn Sensor OFF (SENS_OFF: 24H)
- 6.3.18 Stop Motion (HOLD: 25H)
- 6.3.19 Request Latch Mode (LTMOD_ON: 28H)
- 6.3.20 Release Latch Mode (LTMOD_OFF: 29H)
- 6.3.21 Status Monitoring (SMON: 30H)
- 6.3.22 Servo ON (SV_ON: 31H)
- 6.3.23 Servo OFF (SV_OFF: 32H)
- 6.3.24 Interpolation Feed (INTERPOLATE: 34H)
- 6.3.25 Positioning (POSING: 35H)
- 6.3.26 Constant Speed Feed (FEED: 36H)
- 6.3.27 Interpolation Feeding with Position Detection (LATCH: 38H)
- 6.3.28 External Input Positioning (EX_POSING: 39H)
- 6.3.29 Homing (ZRET: 3AH)
- 6.3.30 Velocity Control (VELCTRL: 3CH)
- 6.3.31 Torque Control (TRQCTRL: 3DH)
- 6.3.32 Adjusting (ADJ: 3EH)
- 6.3.33 General-purpose Servo Control (SVCTRL: 3FH)
- 6.3.34 MECHATROLINK Connection (CONNECT: 0EH)
- 6.4 Subcommands
- 6.4.1 No Operation (NOP: 00H)
- 6.4.2 Read Parameter (PRM_RD: 01H)
- 6.4.3 Write Parameter (PRM_WR: 02H)
- 6.4.4 Read Alarm or Warning (ALM_RD: 05H)
- 6.4.5 Read Non-volatile Parameter (PPRM_RD: 1CH)
- 6.4.6 Write Non-volatile Parameter (PPRM_WR: 1CH)
- 6.4.7 Request Latch Mode (LTMOD_ON: 28H)
- 6.4.8 Release Latch Mode (LTMOD_OFF: 29H)
- 6.4.9 Status Monitoring (SMON: 30H)
- 6.5 Command Data Field
- 6.5.1 Latch Signal Field Specifications: LT_SGN
- 6.5.2 Option Field Specifications: OPTION
- 6.5.3 Status Field Specifications: STATUS
- 6.5.4 Monitor Selection and Monitor Information Field Specifications: SEL_MON1/2/3/4, MONITOR1/2/3/4
- 6.5.5 IO Monitor Field Specifications: IO_MON
- 6.5.6 Substatus Field Specifications: SUBSTATUS
- 6.6 Command and Response Timing
- 6.7 Operation Sequence
- 6.7.1 Operation Sequence for Managing Parameters Using a Controller
- 6.7.2 Operation Sequence for Managing Parameters Using SERVOPACK
- 6.7.3 Operation Sequence When Being Servo ON
- 6.7.4 Operation Sequence When OT (Overtravel Limit Switch) Signal Is Input
- 6.7.5 Operation Sequence At Emergency Stop (Main Circuit OFF)
- 7 Operation
- 7.1 Outline
- 7.2 Trial Operation
- 7.2.1 Check Items before Trial Operation
- 7.2.2 Trial Operation for MECHATROLINK II Communications
- (1) Preparations for Trial Operation
- 1. Check that wiring has been performed correctly and then connect the signals (CN1 connector).
- 2. Turn ON the power.
- 3. Send the CONNECT (start connection) command first.
- 4. Confirm the product model number using the ID_RD (Read ID) command.
- 5. Write the parameters necessary for trial operation using the PRM_WR (Write Parameter) command.
- 6. Execute the SV_ON (Servo ON) command. The power circuit in the SERVOPACK will be activated and the servomotor will be ready to operate. At this point, SVON = 1 (base block currently being released) in STATUS will be returned.
- (2) Operating the Servomotor
- (1) Preparations for Trial Operation
- 7.2.3 Trial Operation Inspection
- 7.2.4 Supplementary Information on Trial Operation
- 7.3 Settings According to Machine Characteristics
- 7.4 Settings According to Host Controller
- 7.4.1 Sequence I/O Signals
- 7.4.2 Using the Electronic Gear Function
- 7.4.3 Acceleration/Deceleration Function
- (1) First-step Linear Acceleration Parameter
- (2) Second-step Linear Acceleration Parameter
- (3) Acceleration Switching Speed
- (4) First-step Linear Deceleration Parameter
- (5) Second-step Linear Deceleration Parameter
- (6) Deceleration Parameter Switching Speed
- (7) Exponential Position Reference Filter Bias
- (8) Exponential Position Reference Filter Time Constant
- (9) Movement Average Position Reference Filter Movement Average Time
- 7.4.4 Motion Settings
- 7.5 Setting Up the SERVOPACK
- 7.6 Setting Stop Functions
- 7.7 Absolute Encoders
- 7.7.1 Selecting an Absolute Encoder
- 7.7.2 Absolute Encoder Setup
- 7.7.3 Multi-turn Limit Setting
- 1. Change the multi-turn limit setting (Pn205), and then turn OFF the SERVOPACK control power and turn it ON again. The alarm A....
- 2. The multi-turn limit value for the encoder must be set to the same value as that for the SERVOPACK. Change the multi-turn limit value for the encoder using the following procedure.
- 7.7.4 Absolute Encoder Home Position Offset
- 8 Adjustments
- 8.1 Autotuning
- 8.2 Normal Autotuning
- 8.2.1 Normal Autotuning
- 8.2.2 Normal Autotuning Procedure
- 8.2.3 Selecting the Normal Autotuning Execution Method
- 8.2.4 Machine Rigidity Setting for Normal Autotuning
- 8.2.5 Method for Changing the Machine Rigidity Setting
- 8.2.6 Saving the Results of Normal Autotuning
- 8.2.7 Procedure for Saving the Results of Normal Autotuning
- 8.3 Advanced Autotuning
- 8.3.1 Advanced Autotuning
- 1. Advanced autotuning performs automatic operation accompanied by vibration. Ensure that an emergency stop is possible while ad...
- 2. This function can select “Not estimates moment of inertia ratio (MODE:1),” but in this case, set the correct moment of inertia ratio in Pn103 before using this function.
- 3. Advanced autotuning sets the servo gain according to the Positioning Completed Width (Pn522). Set the Positioning Completed Width to the value that will be used in normal operation.
- 4. Make sure that the following are properly set before starting the advanced autotuning.
- 8.3.2 Advanced Autotuning Procedure
- 8.3.1 Advanced Autotuning
- 8.4 One-parameter Autotuning
- 8.5 Manual Tuning
- 8.6 Servo Gain Adjustment Functions
- 8.6.1 Feed Forward Reference
- 8.6.2 Using the Mode Switch (P/PI Switching)
- 1. The mode switch function is used in very high-speed positioning when it is necessary to use the servodrive near the limits of its capabilities. The speed response waveform must be observed to adjust the mode switch.
- 2. For normal use, the speed loop gain and position loop gain set by autotuning provide sufficient speed/ position control. Even...
- (1) Selecting the Mode Switch Setting
- 8.6.3 Setting the Speed Bias
- 8.6.4 Speed Feedback Filter Time Constant
- 8.6.5 Speed Feedback Compensation
- (1) Adjustment Procedure
- 1. Set parameter Pn110 to “0002” so that speed feedback compensation will be enabled and the normal autotuning function will be disabled.
- 2. Make normal servo gain adjustments with no feedback compensation. With PI control, gradually increase the Speed Loop Gain in ...
- 3. Repeat step 2 to increase the speed loop gain while monitoring the settling time with the analog monitor’s position error and...
- 4. Gradually increase only the position loop gain. When it has been increased about as far as possible, then decrease the Speed Feedback Compensation in Pn111 from 100% to 90%. Then repeat steps 2 and 3.
- 5. Decrease the speed feedback compensation to a value lower than 90%. Then repeat steps 2 through 4 to shorten the settling time. If the speed feedback compensation is too low, however, the response waveform will oscillate.
- 6. Find the parameter settings that yield the shortest settling time without causing vibration or instability in the position error or torque reference waveform being observed with the analog monitor.
- 7. The servo gain adjustment procedure is complete when the positioning time cannot be reduced any more.
- (1) Adjustment Procedure
- 8.6.6 Switching Gain Settings
- (1) Manual Gain Switching Setting
- (2) Switchable Gain Combinations
- (3) Automatic Gain Switching Pattern
- (4) Automatic Gain Switch Settings
- (5) Switching Operation
- (6) Switchable Gain Combinations for Less Deviation Control
- (7) Related Parameters
- (8) Automatic Gain Related Parameters
- (9) Less Deviation Control Related Parameters
- 8.6.7 Predictive Control
- 1. Predictive Control for Positioning This control method is used to reduce the settling time.
- 2. Predictive Control for Locus Tracking This control method is used to reduce the locus tracking error.
- (1) Related Parameters
- (2) Predictive Control Method (Pn150=n.oooX)
- (3) Adjustment Procedure
- 1. Adjustment by normal control Use the functions such as autotunings and one-parameter autotuning.
- 2. Predictive control selection switch setting Set the predictive control selection switch to enable the predictive control. Turn OFF and ON the power to validate the setting.
- 3. Adjustment of predictive control adjusting parameters If necessary, adjust the predictive control related parameters, confirming the response.
- (4) Application Restriction
- 8.6.8 Less Deviation Control
- 8.6.9 Torque Reference Filter
- (1) Torque Reference Filter
- (2) Notch Filter
- 1. Sufficient precautions must be taken when setting the notch frequencies. Do not set the notch frequencies (Pn409 or Pn40C) th...
- 2. Change the Notch Filter Frequency (Pn409 or Pn40B) only when the motor is stopped. Vibration may occur if the notch filter frequency is changed when the motor is rotating.
- 8.6.10 Vibration Suppression on Stopping
- 8.6.11 Backlash Compensation
- 8.6.12 Position Integral
- 8.7 Analog Monitor
- 9 Fully-closed Control
- 9.1 System Configuration for SERVOPACK with Fully-closed Control
- 9.2 Serial Converter Unit
- 9.2.1 Specifications
- 9.2.2 Analog Signal Input Timing
- 1. Never perform insulation resistance and withstand voltage tests.
- 2. When analog signals are input to the serial converter unit, noise influence on the analog signals affects the unit’s ability to output correct position information. The analog cable must be as short as possible and shielded.
- 3. Do not connect or disconnect the unit while power is being supplied, or the unit may be damaged.
- 4. When using multiple axes, use a shield cable for each axis. Do not use a shield cable for multiple axes.
- 9.2.3 Connection Example of Linear Scale by Heidenhain
- 9.2.4 Connection Example of Linear Scale by Renishaw
- 9.2.5 Connection Cable between SERVOPACK and Serial Converter Unit
- 9.3 Internal Configuration of Fully-closed Control
- 9.4 Related Parameters
- 10 Inspection, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
- 11 Appendix
- 11.1 Servomotor Capacity Selection Examples
- 11.1.1 Selection Example for Speed Control
- 11.1.2 Selection Example for Position Control
- (1) Speed Diagram
- (2) Rotation Speed
- (3) Load Torque
- (4) Load Moment of Inertia
- (5) Load Moving Power
- (6) Load Acceleration Power
- (7) Provisionally Servomotor Selection
- (8) Verification on Provisionally Selected Servomotor
- (9) PG Feedback Pulse Dividing Ratio: Setting of Electronic Gear Ratio
- (10) Reference Pulse Frequency
- (11) Error Counter Pulses
- (12) Electrical Stop Accuracy
- 11.1.3 Calculating the Required Capacity of Regenerative Resistors
- 11.2 List of Parameters
- 11.3 Using the Adjusting Command (ADJ: 3EH)
- 11.3.1 Autotuning
- (1) Normal Autotuning
- (2) Machine Rigidity Settings for Normal Autotuning
- 1. By setting byte 1 of the MECHATROLINK II command field to ADJ (3EH) and byte 2 to 00H, the following command field can be set.
- 2. Send the following data in each command field.
- 3. CMDRDY of STATUS is set to 1, and CADDRESS and CDATA of the response are confirmed to be the same as those of the command. It takes one second until CMDRDY is set to 1.
- 4. Use the following data to check when settings have been completed.
- 5. Confirm that the response is correct and that CMDRDY or STATUS is set to 1. Confirm that the value of the CDATA field in the response field is the machine rigidity you set.
- (3) Saving Results of Normal Autotuning
- 1. By setting byte 1 of the MECHATROLINK II command field to ADJ (3EH) and byte 2 to 00H, the following command field can be set.
- 2. Send the following data in each command field.
- 3. CMDRDY of STATUS is set to 1, and CADDRESS and CDATA of the response are confirmed to be the same as those of the command.
- 4. Continue by using the following data.
- 5. CMDRDY of STATUS is set to 1, and CADDRESS and CDATA of the response are confirmed to be the same as those of the command. It takes one second until CMDRDY is set to 1.
- (4) Parameters Related to Normal Autotuning
- 11.3.2 Absolute Encoder Setup (Initialization)
- 1. By setting byte 1 of the MECHATROLINK II command field to ADJ (3EH) and byte 2 to 00H, the following command field can be set.
- 2. Send the following data in each command field.
- 3. CMDRDY of STATUS is set to 1, and CADDRESS and CDATA of the response are confirmed to be the same as those of the command.
- 4. Continue by using the following data.
- 5. CMDRDY of STATUS is set to 1, and CADDRESS and CDATA of the response are confirmed to be the same as those of the command.
- 6. Send the following data.
- 7. CMDRDY of STATUS is set to 1, and CADDRESS and CDATA of the response are confirmed to be the same as those of the command. It takes one second until CMDRDY is set to 1.
- 11.3.3 Multi-turn Limit Setting
- 1. By setting byte 1 of the MECHATROLINK II command field to ADJ (3EH) and byte 2 to 00H, the following command field can be set.
- 2. Send the following data in each command field.
- 3. CMDRDY of STATUS is set to 1, and CADDRESS and CDATA of the response are confirmed to be the same as those of the command.
- 4. Continue by using the following data.
- 5. CMDRDY of STATUS is set to 1, and CADDRESS and CDATA of the response are confirmed to be the same as those of the command.
- 6. Send the following command.
- 7. CMDRDY of STATUS is set to 1, and CADDRESS and CDATA of the response are confirmed to be the same as those of the command. It takes one second until CMDRDY is set to 1.
- 11.3.4 Automatic Offset Adjustment of Motor Current Detection Signals
- 1. By setting byte 1 of the MECHATROLINK II command field to ADJ (3EH) and byte 2 to 00H, the following command field can be set.
- 2. Send the following data in each command field.
- 3. CMDRDY of STATUS is set to 1, and CADDRESS and CDATA of the response are confirmed to be the same as those of the command.
- 4. Continue by using the following data.
- 5. CMDRDY of STATUS is set to 1, and CADDRESS and CDATA of the response are confirmed to be the same as those of the command. (It takes 1 second maximum until CMDRDY is set to 1.)
- 11.3.1 Autotuning
- 11.4 Parameter Recording Table
- 11.1 Servomotor Capacity Selection Examples
- Index