Edit a flare, Drawing with the pencil tool, Draw with the pencil tool – Adobe Illustrator CS3 User Manual

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User Guide


Create a flare using the Flare Tool Options dialog box


Select the Flare tool, and click where you want to place the center handle of the flare.


In the Flare Tool Options dialog box, do any of the following options, and click


Specify the overall diameter, opacity, and brightness of the flare’s center.

Specify the Growth of the halo as a percentage of the overall size, and specify the fuzziness of the halo (0 is crisp
and 100 is fuzzy).

If you want the flare to contain rays, select Rays and specify the number of rays, the longest ray (as a percentage
of the average ray), and the fuzziness of the rays (0 is crisp and 100 is fuzzy).

If you want the flare to contain rings, select Rings and specify the distance of the path between the halo’s center
point (center handle) and the center point of the furthest ring (end handle), the number of rings, the largest ring
(as a percentage of the average ring), and the direction or angle of the rings.

Edit a flare

Do any of the following:

Select the flare, and double-click the Flare tool icon to open the Flare Tool Options dialog box. Change settings in
the dialog box.

To reset a flare to the default values, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), and click Reset.

Select the flare and the Flare tool. Drag an endpoint—from either the center handle or the end handle—to change
the length or direction of the flare.

Select the flare, and choose Object > Expand. This makes the elements of the flare editable, like elements of blends.

See also

“Expand objects” on page 202

Drawing with the Pencil tool

Draw with the Pencil tool

The Pencil tool works primarily the same way in Adobe Illustrator and InDesign. It lets you draw open and closed
paths as if you were drawing with a pencil on paper. It is most useful for fast sketching or creating a hand-drawn look.
Once you draw a path, you can immediately change it if needed.

Anchor points are set down as you draw with the Pencil tool; you do not determine where they are positioned.
However, you can adjust them once the path is complete. The number of anchor points set down is determined by
the length and complexity of the path and by tolerance settings in the Pencil Tool Preferences dialog box. These
settings control how sensitive the Pencil tool is to the movement of your mouse or graphics-tablet stylus.

For a video on drawing with the Pencil tool in Illustrator, see


Draw freeform paths with the Pencil tool


Select the Pencil tool .