Copy appearance attributes between objects – Adobe Illustrator CS3 User Manual
Page 355
User Guide
Do one of the following:
To remove a specific attribute, select the attribute in the Appearance panel, and click the Delete icon
tively, select Remove Item from the panel menu, or drag the attribute to the Delete icon.
To remove all appearance attributes except a single fill and stroke, click the Reduce To Basic Appearance
in the Appearance panel or choose Reduce To Basic Appearance from the panel menu. Alternatively,
drag the target icon for an item in the Layers panel onto the Delete icon
in the Layers panel.
To remove all appearance attributes, including any fill or stroke, click the Clear Appearance button
in the
Appearance panel or choose Clear Appearance from the panel menu.
Copy appearance attributes between objects
You can copy or move appearance attributes by dragging or by using the Eyedropper tool.
See also
“Targeting items for appearance attributes” on page 347
“Layers panel overview” on page 211
“Appearance panel overview” on page 346
Copy appearance attributes by dragging
Select the object or group (or target the layer in the Layers panel) whose appearance you want to copy.
Do one of the following:
Drag the thumbnail at the top of the Appearance panel onto an object in the document window. If a thumbnail
isn’t showing, choose Show Thumbnail from the panel menu.
Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) the target icon in the Layers panel onto the item to which you want
to copy appearance attributes.
To move appearance attributes instead of copying them, drag the target icon in the Layers panel from any item
that has the desired attributes onto the item to which you want to apply it.
Copy appearance attributes using the Eyedropper tool
You can use the Eyedropper tool to copy appearance attributes from one object to another, including character,
paragraph, fill, and stroke attributes between type objects. By default, the Eyedropper tool affects all attributes of a
selection. To customize the attributes affected by this tool, use the Eyedropper dialog box.
Select the object, type object, or characters whose attributes you want to change.
Select the Eyedropper tool
Move the Eyedropper tool onto the object whose attributes you want to sample. (When you’re correctly positioned
over type, the pointer displays a small T.)
Do one of the following:
Click the Eyedropper tool to sample all appearance attributes and apply them to the selected object.
Shift-click to sample only the color from a portion of a gradient, pattern, mesh object, or placed image and apply
the color to the selected fill or stroke.