Png export options, Tiff export options – Adobe Illustrator CS3 User Manual

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User Guide


PNG export options

When you export artwork to PNG format, you can set the following options:


Determines the resolution of the rasterized image. Higher resolution values result in better image quality

but larger file sizes.

Note: Some applications open PNG files at 72 ppi, regardless of the resolution you specify. In such applications, the
dimensions of the image will be altered. (For example, artwork saved at 150 ppi will be over twice as large as artwork
saved at 72 ppi.) Therefore, only change the resolution when you know the target application supports non-72-ppi resolu-


Specifies a color for filling transparency. Choose Transparent to preserve transparency, White to fill trans-

parency with white, Black to fill transparency with black, or Other to select another color for filling transparency.


Removes jagged edges in the artwork by supersampling it. Deselecting this option helps maintain the hard

edges of line art when it is rasterized.


Displays low-resolution versions of the image as the file downloads in a browser. Interlacing makes

download time seem shorter, but also increases file size.

See also

“Image resolution guidelines for final output” on page 258

“Optimize an image for the web” on page 383

TIFF export options

When you export artwork to TIFF format, you can set the following options:

Color Model

Determines the color model of the exported file.


Determines the resolution of the rasterized image. Higher resolution values result in better image quality

but larger file sizes.


Removes jagged edges in the artwork by supersampling it. Deselecting this option helps maintain the hard

edges of line art when it is rasterized.

LZW Compression

Applies LZW compression, a lossless compression method that does not discard detail from the

image. Select this option to produce a smaller file.

Byte Order

Determines the appropriate sequence of bytes for writing the image file, based on the platform you

choose. Illustrator and most recent applications can read files using the byte order for either platform. However, if
you don’t know what kind of program the file may be opened in, select the platform on which the file will be read.

Embed ICC Profiles

Creates a color-managed document.

See also

“Image resolution guidelines for final output” on page 258

“About colors in digital graphics” on page 93