Line and character spacing, Set the leading, Shift the baseline – Adobe Illustrator CS3 User Manual
Page 320

User Guide
Replaces three keyboard periods with ellipsis points.
Expert Fractions
Replaces separate characters used to represent fractions with their single-character equivalents.
Select Entire Document to replace text symbols in the entire file or Text Only to replace symbols only in selected text.
(Optional) Select Report Results to see a list of the number of symbols replaced.
OK to search for and replace selected characters.
See also
“Use ligatures and contextual alternates” on page 318
Line and character spacing
Set the leading
The vertical space between lines of type is called leading (rhymes with sledding). Leading is measured from the
baseline of one line of text to the baseline of the line above it. Baseline is the invisible line on which most letters sit.
The default auto-leading option sets the leading at 120% of the type size (for example, 12-point leading for 10-point
type). When auto-leading is in use, the leading value appears in parentheses in the Leading menu of the Character
panel. You can change this default auto-leading by choosing Justification from the Paragraph panel menu and speci-
fying a percentage from 0 to 500.
By default, leading is a character attribute, which means that you can apply more than one leading value within the
same paragraph. The largest leading value in a line of type determines the leading for that line.
Note: When working with horizontal Asian type, you can specify how leading is measured, either from baseline to
baseline or from the top of one line to the top of the next.
Select the characters or type objects you want to change. If you don’t select any text, the leading applies to new text
you create.
In the Character panel, set the Leading option
for vertical text).
Shift the baseline
Use Baseline Shift to move selected characters up or down relative to the baseline of the surrounding text. Shifting
the baseline is especially useful when you’re hand-setting fractions or adjusting the position of a picture font.
Select the characters or type objects you want to change. If you don’t select any text, the shift applies to new text
you create.
In the Character panel, set the Baseline Shift option. Positive values move the character’s baseline above the
baseline of the rest of the line; negative values move it below the baseline.
Type with different Baseline Shift values