Importing adobe pdf files, Adobe pdf placement options – Adobe Illustrator CS3 User Manual

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User Guide


In Illustrator and InDesign, you can work with low resolution versions by using the Links panel. In InDesign you can
choose either Typical or Fast Display from the View

> Display Performance menu; in Illustrator you can choose


> Outline, or change settings in the Display Performances preferences. Alternatively, if your service provider

supports Open Prepress Interface (OPI), they may provide low-resolution images to you.

Desktop printing

Desktop printing usually requires images within the range of 72 ppi (for photographs printed on

a 300 ppi printer) to 150 ppi (for photographs printed on devices up to 1000 ppi). For line art (1-bit images), make
sure that the resolution of your graphics matches the resolution of the printer.

Web publishing

Because online publishing generally requires images with pixel dimensions that fit the intended

monitor, the images are usually less than 500 pixels wide and 400 pixels tall, to leave room for browser window
controls or such layout elements as captions. Creating an original image at screen resolution—96




based images, and 72



Mac OS–based images—lets you see the image as it will likely appear when viewed from

a typical web browser. When you’re publishing online, the only times you’re likely to need resolutions above those
ranges are when you want viewers to be able to zoom in for more detail in a PDF document, or when you’re
producing a document for printing on demand.

Importing Adobe PDF files

Importing Adobe PDF files

Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) is a versatile file format that can represent both vector and bitmap data.
You can bring artwork from PDF files into Illustrator using the Open command, the Place command, the Paste
command, and the drag-and-drop feature.

Use the Place command with the Link option selected to import a PDF file (or one page of the PDF if it is a multi-
page document) as a single image. You can modify the linked image using transformation tools; however, you
cannot select and edit its individual components.

Use the Open command or the Place command with the Link option deselected to edit the contents of a PDF file.
Illustrator recognizes the individual components in the PDF artwork and lets you edit each component as a
discrete object.

Use the Paste command or the drag-and-drop feature to import selected components from a PDF file, including
vector objects, bitmap images, and text.

Note: If you are color-managing artwork in a document, embedded PDF images are part of the document and therefore
color-managed when sent to a printing device. In contrast, linked PDF images are not color-managed, even if color
management is turned on for the rest of the document.

See also

“About linked and embedded artwork” on page 253

Adobe PDF placement options

When you place an Adobe PDF file, you specify which page you want to import. You also choose how to crop the
artwork by selecting a Crop To option:

Bounding Box

Places the PDF page’s bounding box, or the minimum area that encloses the objects on the page,

including page marks.