Adobe Illustrator CS3 User Manual
Page 170

User Guide
Drag across multiple faces to paint more than one face at a time.
Double-click a face to fill across unstroked edges into adjacent faces (flood fill).
Triple-click a face to fill all faces that currently have the same fill.
To switch to the Eyedropper tool and sample fills or strokes, Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the fill or
stroke you want.
To paint an edge, double-click the Live Paint Bucket tool and select Paint Strokes, or temporarily toggle to the
Paint Strokes option, by pressing Shift; and then do any of the following:
Click an edge to stroke it. (When the pointer is over an edge, it changes to a paint brush
and the edge is
Drag across multiple edges to stroke more than one edge at a time.
Double-click an edge to stroke all connected edges of the same color (flood stroke).
Triple-click an edge to stroke all edges of the same stroke.
Note: Pressing Shift lets you quickly toggle between painting only strokes and only fills. You can also specify these changes
in the Live Paint Bucket Options dialog box. If you currently have both the Paint Fills option and the Paint Strokes option
selected, pressing Shift switches to Paint Fills only. (This can be helpful when you are trying to fill a small face surrounded
by stroked edges.)
See also
“Fill and Stroke controls” on page 152
“Apply a fill color to an object” on page 153
“Stroke an object” on page 154
Live Paint Bucket options
The Live Paint Bucket options let you specify how the Live Paint Bucket tool works, choosing whether to paint just
fills, just strokes, or both, as well as how to highlight faces and edges as you move the tool over them. You can see
these options by double-clicking the Live Paint Bucket tool.
Paint Fills
Paints the faces of Live Paint groups.
Paint Strokes
Paints the edges of Live Paint groups.
Cursor Swatch Preview
Displays when you choose a color from the Swatches panel. The Live Paint Bucket tool
pointer appears as three color swatches: the selected fill or stroke color plus the color directly to the left and right of
it in the Swatches panel.
Outlines the face or edge the cursor is currently over. Faces are highlighted with a thick line and edges are
highlighted with a thin line.
Sets the color for the highlight. You can choose a color from the menu or click the paint swatch to specify a
custom color.
Specifies how thick to make the highlight.