Create a 3d volume (photoshop extended), View a 3d volume from different angles, View a 3d volume in different render modes – Adobe Photoshop CS4 User Manual
Page 612: View a 3d volume in different, Render modes

3D and technical imaging
Last updated 1/10/2010
To zoom, choose a zoom level from the Select Zoom Level menu (or click the plus and minus signs to zoom in and out).
To pan, click the Hand icon at the top of the dialog box and drag across the frame.
Create a 3D volume (Photoshop Extended)
Choose File
> Open, select a DICOM file, and click Open.
Select the frames you want to convert to a 3D volume. Shift-click to select contiguous frames. To select
noncontiguous frames, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac
OS). Click Select All to select all frames.
In Frame Import Options, select Import as volume, then click Open.
Photoshop creates a 3D volume of the DICOM frames and places it on a 3D layer in the Layers panel. You can use
Photoshop’s 3D position tools to view the 3D volume from any angle, or change render settings to better visualize data.
The original DICOM file is preserved as a Diffuse texture layer associated with the 3D volume layer. For
information on 3D textures, see “
Create and edit textures for 3D models (Photoshop Extended)
Double-click the texture layer to open the DICOM file as a Smart Object in its own document window. The DICOM
frames appear as separate layers in the Layers panel.
Any changes you make to individual layers are applied to the 3D volume when you close and save the Smart Object.
To save the 3D volume, you can export the 3D layer or save the file in PSD format. See “
and “
For a video about creating a 3D volume from DICOM frames, see
View a 3D volume from different angles
Select the 3D layer containing the DICOM volume in the Layers panel.
Select either the 3D Position tool
or a 3D camera tool
in the Tools panel.
Use the position or camera tools in the options bar to rotate, move, or scale the 3D volume. See “
If OpenGL support is enabled on your system, you can also use the 3D Axis to rotate, move, or scale the 3D volume.
See “
Using the 3D Axis (Photoshop Extended)
View a 3D volume in different render modes
Select the 3D layer containing the DICOM volume in the Layers panel.
Choose Window > 3D to open the 3D panel.
From the Preset menu in the lower section of the 3D panel, select a render mode.
Note: Render modes that use a transfer function use a Photoshop gradient to render values in the volume. The gradient
color and opacity values are combined with the grayscale values in the volume to optimize or highlight different types of
content. Transfer function render modes are only available for grayscale DICOM images.
Enhanced Boundaries
Lowers the opacity of homogeneous regions while retaining the opacity of the boundaries. It
can also reduce noise in the volume.
Full Range Color Scale
Transfer function that uses a full “rainbow” Photoshop color gradient.
High Range Highlights
Transfer function that uses the color white for the entire value range, zero opacity for low range
values, and high opacity for high range values.
Low Range Highlights
Transfer function that uses the color white for the entire value range, zero opacity for high
range values, and high opacity for low range values.