Add and delete color swatches, Add a color to the swatches panel, Delete a color from the swatches panel – Adobe Photoshop CS4 User Manual
Page 133: Manage swatch libraries, Load or replace a library of swatches
Color fundamentals
Last updated 1/10/2010
Add and delete color swatches
Color swatches can be added or deleted from the Swatches panel.
You can also add a color swatch from the Color Picker by clicking the Add To Swatches button.
Add a color to the Swatches panel
Decide which color you want to add and make it the foreground color.
Do one of the following:
Click the New Swatch button
in the Swatches panel. Alternatively, choose New Swatch from the Swatches panel
Position the pointer over an empty space in the bottom row of the Swatches panel (the pointer turns into the Paint
Bucket tool), and click to add the color. Enter a name for the new color and click
Color selected from image (left), and added to Swatches panel (right)
Note: New colors are saved in the Photoshop preferences file so that they persist between editing sessions. To permanently
save a color, save it in a library.
Delete a color from the Swatches panel
Do one of the following:
Drag a swatch to the Delete icon
Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac
OS), position the pointer over a swatch (the pointer turns into scissors),
and click.
Manage swatch libraries
Swatch libraries provide an easy way to access different sets of colors. Custom sets of swatches can be saved as a library
for reuse. Swatches can also be saved in a format for sharing in other applications.
More Help topics
Share swatches between applications
Load or replace a library of swatches
Choose one of the following from the Swatches panel menu:
Load Swatches
Adds a library to the current set of swatches. Select the library file you want to use, and click Load.
Replace Swatches
Replaces the current list with a different library. Select the library file you want to use, and click
Load. Photoshop gives your the option of saving the current set of swatches before replacing them.