Match locations in images, Match zoom and locations in images, Work with the info panel – Adobe Photoshop CS4 User Manual

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Last updated 1/10/2010

Float in Window

Allows image to float freely.

Float All in Windows

Floats all images.

Consolidate All to Tabs

Shows one image in full screen and minimizes the other images to tabs.

You can use the Hand tool’s Scroll All Windows option to scroll through all open images. Select it in the options bar
and drag in one image to scroll through all visible images.

Match locations in images


Open one or more images, or open a single image in multiple windows.


Choose Window

> Arrange > Tile.


Do either of the following:

Choose Window

> Arrange > Match Location.

Select the Hand tool, select Scroll All Windows in the options bar, and then drag to view another area in one of the
images. (To temporarily enable this option, hold down the Shift key while dragging with the Hand tool.)

Note: Photoshop automatically scrolls to the same relative location on the horizontal and vertical axes. You may need to
manually scroll to reveal the edges of images.

Match zoom and locations in images


Open one or more images, or multiple copies of a single image.


Choose Window

> Arrange > Tile.


Choose Window

> Arrange > Match All.

Without Match All command (top), and with Match All command (bottom) selected


Select the Zoom tool or the Hand tool.


Select one of the images, hold down the Shift key, and click in or drag an area of an image. The other images are
magnified to the same percentage and snap to the area you clicked.

Work with the Info panel

The Info panel shows the color values beneath the pointer and, depending on the tool in use, gives other useful
information. The Info panel also displays a hint on using the selected tool, gives document status information, and can
display 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit values.