Decrease fringe on a selection, Remove a matte from a selection, Moving and copying selected pixels – Adobe Photoshop CS4 User Manual

Page 272: Move a selection, Copy selections

background image



Selecting and masking

Last updated 1/10/2010

Remove Black Matte and Remove White Matte are useful when a selection is anti-aliased against a white or black
background and you want to paste it onto a different background. For example, anti-aliased black text on a white
background has gray pixels at the edges, which are visible against a colored background.

You can also remove fringe areas by using the Advanced Blending sliders in the Layer Styles dialog box to remove,
or make transparent, areas from the layer. In this case, you would make the black or white areas transparent. Alt-

click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the sliders to separate them; separating the sliders allows you to remove
fringe pixels and retain a smooth edge.

Decrease fringe on a selection


Choose Layer

> Matting > Defringe.


Enter a value in the Width box to specify the area in which to search for replacement pixels. In most cases, a distance
of 1 or 2 pixels is enough.


Click OK.

Remove a matte from a selection

Choose Layer

> Matting > Remove Black Matte or Layer

> Matting > Remove White Matte.

Moving and copying selected pixels

Move a selection


Select the Move tool



Move the pointer inside the selection border, and drag the selection to a new position. If you have selected multiple
areas, all move as you drag.

Original selection (left), and after the selection is moved with the Move tool (right)

Copy selections

You can use the Move tool to copy selections as you drag them within or between images, or you can copy and move
selections using the Copy, Copy Merged, Cut, and Paste commands. Dragging with the Move tool saves memory
because the clipboard is not used as it is with the Copy, Copy Merged, Cut, and Paste commands.


Copies the selected area on the active layer.

Copy Merged

Makes a merged copy of all the visible layers in the selected area.


Pastes a cut or copied selection into another part of the image or into another image as a new layer. If you have

a selection, the Paste command places the copied selection over the current selection. Without an active selection,
Paste places the copied selection in the middle of the view area.