Show color channels in color, Select and edit channels, Rearrange and rename alpha and spot channels – Adobe Photoshop CS4 User Manual

Page 278

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Selecting and masking

Last updated 1/10/2010

To show or hide multiple channels, drag through the eye column in the Channels panel.

Show color channels in color

Individual channels are displayed in grayscale. In RGB, CMYK, or Lab images, you can view the individual channels
in color. (In Lab images, only the a and b channels appear in color.) If more than one channel is active, the channels
always appear in color.

You can change the default to show the individual color channels in color. When a channel is visible in the image, an
eye icon

appears to its left in the panel.


Do one of the following:

In Windows, choose Edit > Preferences

> Interface.

In Mac

OS, choose Photoshop

> Preferences

> Interface.


Select Show Channels in Color, and click


Select and edit channels

You can select one or more channels in the Channels panel. The names of all selected, or active, channels are

Selecting multiple channels
A. Not visible or editable B. Visible but not selected for editing C. Selected for viewing and editing D. Selected for editing but not viewing

To select a channel, click the channel name. Shift-click to select (or deselect) multiple channels.

To edit a channel, select it and then use a painting or editing tool to paint in the image. You can paint on only one
channel at a time. Paint with white to add the selected channel’s color at 100% intensity. Paint with a value of gray
to add the channel’s color at a lower intensity. Paint with black to fully remove the channel’s color.

Rearrange and rename alpha and spot channels

You can move alpha or spot channels above the default color channels only if the image is in Multichannel mode
(Image > Mode > Multichannel). For information about that mode’s limitations, see “

Multichannel mode

” on

page 112.

To change the order of alpha or spot channels, drag the channel up or down in the Channels panel. When a line
appears in the position you want, release the mouse button.

Note: Spot colors are overprinted in the order of their appearance from top to bottom in the Channels panel.

To rename an alpha or spot channel, double-click the channel’s name in the Channels panel, and enter a new name.