Adobe Photoshop CS4 User Manual
Page 106

Camera Raw
Last updated 1/10/2010
To create an eraser brush that has different characteristics from the current Adjustment Brush tool, click the Local
Adjustment Settings menu button
and choose Separate Eraser Size. Then, specify the Size, Feather, Flow, and
Density you want for the eraser.
Remove the adjustment completely by selecting the pin and pressing Delete.
Press Ctrl+Z (Windows) or Command+Z (Mac
OS) to undo your last adjustment.
Click Clear All at the bottom of the tool options to remove all Adjustment Brush tool adjustments and set the mask
mode to New.
(Optional) Click New to apply an additional Adjustment Brush tool adjustment, and refine it as desired using the
techniques in step 6.
Note: When working with multiple Adjustment Brush adjustments, make sure you’re in Add mode to switch between
them. Click a pin icon to select that adjustment and refine it.
Apply local adjustments with the Graduated Filter tool in Camera Raw
Select the Graduated Filter tool
from the toolbar (or press G).
Camera Raw opens the Graduated Filter tool options under the Histogram and sets the mask mode to New.
Choose the type of adjustment you want to make in the Graduated Filter tool options by dragging the slider for any
of the following effects:
Sets the overall image brightness, with a greater effect in the highlights. Drag the slider to the right to
increase the exposure; drag the slider to the left to decrease the exposure.
Adjusts the image brightness, with a greater effect in the midtones. Drag the slider to the right to increase
the brightness; drag the slider to the left to decrease the brightness.
Adjusts the image contrast, with a greater effect in the midtones. Drag the slider to the right to increase the
contrast; drag the slider to the left to decrease the contrast.
Changes the vividness or purity of the color. Drag the slider to the right to increase the saturation; drag the
slider to the left to decrease the saturation.
Adds depth to an image by increasing local contrast. Drag the slider to the right to increase the contrast; drag
the slider to the left to decrease the contrast.
Enhances edge definition to bring out details. Drag the slider to the right to sharpen details; drag the slider
to the left to blur details.
Applies a tint to the selected area. Select the hue by clicking the color sample box to the right of the effect name.
Click the Plus icon
(+) or the Minus icon
(-) to increase or decrease the effect by a preset amount. Double-click the
slider to reset the effect to zero.
Drag in the photo to apply a graduated filter across a region of the photo.
The filter starts at the red dot and red dotted line, and it continues past the green dot and green dotted line.
The mask mode switches to Edit in the Graduated Filter tool options.
(Optional) Refine the filter by doing any of the following:
Drag any of the effect sliders in the Graduated Filter tool options to customize the filter.
Toggle visibility of the guide overlays by selecting the Show Overlay option (or press V).
Drag the green or red dot to freely expand, contract, and rotate the effect.