Change or create 3d camera views, Using the 3d axis (photoshop extended), Move, rotate, or scale a model with the 3d axis – Adobe Photoshop CS4 User Manual

Page 587: 3d axis to manipulate the 3d model. see

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3D and technical imaging

Last updated 1/10/2010


Drag to pan the camera in the x or y direction. Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you drag to

pan in the x or z direction.


Drag to walk the camera (z translation and y rotation). Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as

you drag to walk in the z/x direction (z translation and x rotation).


Drag to change the field of view of the 3D camera. Maximum field of view is 180.

Perspective Camera (Zoom only)

Displays parallel lines converging to vanishing points.

Orthographic Camera (Zoom only)

Maintains parallel lines without convergence. Displays the model in accurate

scale view without any perspective distortion.

In the options bar, numeric values show the x, y, and z position of the 3D camera. You can also edit these values
manually to adjust the camera view.

Change or create 3D camera views

Do one of the following:

Select a preset camera view of the model from the View menu.

Note: All preset camera views use orthographic projection.

To add a custom view, place the 3D camera in the desired position using the 3D camera tools, then click Save in
the options bar.

To return to the default camera view, select a 3D camera tool, and click the Return To Initial Camera Position

in the options bar.

Using the 3D Axis (Photoshop Extended)

The 3D Axis shows the current X, Y, and Z-axis orientation of the 3D model in 3D space. It appears when you have a
3D layer and 3D tool selected. You can use the 3D Axis as an alternative to the 3D position tools to move, rotate, or
resize a 3D model in object space. (To change scene view, use the 3D camera tools.)

3D Axis with rotation control selected.
A. Minimize 3D Axis B. Resize 3D Axis C. Move 3D object along an axis D. Rotate 3D object E. Compress/elongate 3D object F. Resize 3D

Note: OpenGL must be enabled to display the 3D Axis. See “

About OpenGL

” on page


For a video on using the 3D Axis, see


Move, rotate, or scale a model with the 3D Axis

To use the 3D Axis, move the mouse pointer over an axis component to highlight it, and then drag.

To move the model along the X, Y, or Z-axis, highlight the conical tip of any axis. Drag in either direction along the axis.