Change the color model of the color panel sliders, Change the spectrum displayed in the color panel, Select a color in the color panel – Adobe Photoshop CS4 User Manual
Page 132: Select a color in the swatches panel
Color fundamentals
Last updated 1/10/2010
A square
appears above the left side of the color ramp when you choose a color that is not web-safe.
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Change the color model of the Color panel sliders
Choose a Sliders option from the Color panel menu.
Change the spectrum displayed in the Color panel
Choose an option from the Color panel menu:
RGB Spectrum, CMYK Spectrum, or Grayscale Ramp to display the spectrum of the specified color model.
Current Colors to display the spectrum of colors between the current foreground color and the current background
To display only web-safe colors, choose Make Ramp Web Safe.
To change the spectrum of the color ramp quickly, Shift-click in the color ramp until you see the spectrum you want.
Select a color in the Color panel
In the Color panel, click the foreground or background color box to make it active (outlined in black).
When the background color box is active in the Color panel, the Eyedropper tool changes the background color by
Do one of the following:
Drag the color sliders. By default, the slider colors change as you drag. You can turn off this feature to improve
performance by deselecting Dynamic Color Sliders in the General section of the Preferences dialog box.
Enter values next to the color sliders.
Click the color selection box, choose a color using the Color Picker and click
Position the pointer over the color ramp (the pointer becomes the eyedropper), and click to sample a color. Alt-
click to apply the sample to the non-active color selection box.
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Choose colors with the Eyedropper tool
Select a color in the Swatches panel
The Swatches panel (Window
> Swatches) stores colors that you use often. You can add or delete colors from the panel
or display different libraries of colors for different projects.
To choose a foreground color, click a color in the Swatches panel.
To choose a background color, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac
OS) a color in the Swatches panel.
Note: Change how swatches are displayed by choosing an option from the Swatches panel menu.