Bmp format, Cineon format, Dicom format – Adobe Photoshop CS4 User Manual
Page 473: Filmstrip format

Saving and exporting images
Last updated 1/10/2010
BMP format
BMP is a standard Windows image format on DOS and Windows-compatible computers. BMP format supports RGB,
Indexed Color, Grayscale, and Bitmap color modes. You can specify either Windows or OS/2® format and a bit depth
of 8 bits/channel. For 4-bit and 8-bit images using Windows format, you can also specify RLE compression.
BMP images are normally written bottom to top; however, you can select the Flip Row Order option to write them
from top to bottom. You can also select an alternate encoding method by clicking Advanced Modes. (Flip Row Order
and Advanced Modes are most relevant to game programmers and others using DirectX®.)
Cineon format
Developed by Kodak, Cineon is a 10-bits-per-channel digital format suitable for electronic composition,
manipulation, and enhancement. Using the Cineon format, you can output back to film with no loss of image quality.
The format is used in the Cineon Digital Film System, which transfers images originated on film to the Cineon format
and back to film.
DICOM format
The DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) format is commonly used for the transfer and
storage of medical images, such as ultrasounds and scans. DICOM files contain both image data and headers, which
store information about the patient and the medical image. You can open, edit, and save DICOM files in Photoshop
More Help topics
DICOM files (Photoshop Extended)
Filmstrip format
Filmstrip format is used for RGB animation or movie files created by Adobe Premiere Pro®. If you resize, resample,
remove alpha channels, or change the color mode or file format of a Filmstrip file in Photoshop, you won’t be able to
save it back to Filmstrip format. For further guidelines, see Adobe Premiere Pro Help.
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is the file format commonly used to display indexed-color graphics and images in
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documents over the World Wide Web and other online services. GIF is an
LZW-compressed format designed to minimize file size and electronic transfer time. GIF format preserves
transparency in indexed-color images; however, it does not support alpha channels.
IFF (Interchange File Format) is a general-purpose data storage format that can associate and store multiple types of
data. IFF is portable and has extensions that support still-picture, sound, music, video, and textual data. The IFF format
includes Maya IFF and IFF (formerly Amiga IFF).