Save a file in jpeg format, Save a file in png format – Adobe Photoshop CS4 User Manual
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Saving and exporting images
Last updated 1/10/2010
need to save and manage a separate PSD file to hold the layer data. Choose Discard Layers And Save A Copy if you
want to flatten the image.
Note: To have Photoshop prompt you before saving an image with multiple layers, select Ask Before Saving Layered TIFF
Files in the File Handling area of the Preferences dialog box.
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About file formats and compression
Save a file in JPEG format
You can use the Save As command to save CMYK, RGB, and grayscale images in JPEG (*.jpg) format. JPEG
compresses file size by selectively discarding data. You can also save an image as one or more JPEG using the Save For
Web & Devices command.
Note: JPEG is only available when the image is 8 Bits/Channel (it only supports 8 Bit/Channel).
To quickly save a medium-quality JPEG, play the Save As JPEG Medium action on the file. You can access this action
by choosing Production from the Actions panel menu.
Choose File
> Save As, and choose JPEG from the Format menu.
In the JPEG Options dialog box, select the options you want, and click
Offers matte color choices to simulate the appearance of background transparency in images that contain
Image Options
Specifies the image quality. Choose an option from the Quality menu, drag the Quality pop-up slider,
or enter a value between 0 and 12 in the Quality text box.
Format Options
Specifies the format of your JPEG file. Baseline (“Standard”) uses a format recognized by most web
browsers. Baseline Optimized creates a file with optimized color and a slightly smaller file size. Progressive displays a
series of increasingly detailed versions of the image (you specify how many) as it downloads.
Note: Not all web browsers support optimized and Progressive JPEG images.
Note: Some applications may not be able to read a CMYK file saved in JPEG format. In addition, if you find that a Java
application can’t read your JPEG file (in any color mode), try saving the file without a thumbnail preview.
More Help topics
About file formats and compression
Save For Web & Devices overview
Save a file in PNG format
You can use the Save As command to save RGB, Indexed Color, Grayscale, and Bitmap mode images in PNG format.
Note: You can also save an image as one or more PNG files using the Save For Web & Devices command.
Choose File
> Save As, and choose PNG from the Format menu.
Select an Interlace option:
Displays the image in a browser only when download is complete.