10 evs reset, 11 access control, 3 evs super user – SilentKnight 5820XL User Manual

Page 170: 4 evs point functionality, 1 evs point activations, 10 evs reset 9.2.11 access control, Evs super user, Evs point functionality

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Emergency Voice System Operation


relinquished after a time-out on this screen. When EVS Control is relinquished, the system stays in the Manual
EVS State. EVS Control can then be gained by another LOC or again at the same LOC.


EVS Reset

An EVS reset is accomplished by pressing the RESET button from an LOC. The user will be prompted to reset
either the fire system or emergency system. After an EVS reset, the LOC will automatically exit the LOC EVS

Note: In order to perform an EVS reset, the display must be associated with the EVS-VCM / EVS-RVM. See Sec-



Access Control

By default, the fire fighter key user profile includes the EVS control request option. This is a programmable
option for all user profiles. If the fire fighter key user profile is not specified to have the EVS control request
option, upon EVS control request, the system will immediately display the “Enter Pin” dialog on the annunciator
and the user will be required to enter the access code for a profile that does.

The second user profile option for the Emergency Voice System is the EVS Super User option. (See section 9.5).
If a user at an LOC does something that requires EVS control or they are at the EVS status screen, if they enter
the EVS Super User pin and there isn’t another EVS Super User already logged in, they will gain EVS Super
User status.


EVS Super User

The EVS Super User access code profile function provides the ability to override all EVS Control rules and gain
EVS Control. The EVS Super User is the highest priority user in the system. The EVS Super User has several
features that differ from the normal user:


Any alarm activated while under EVS Super User Control needs to be reset using an EVS Super User func-
tion enabled access code.


LOC priority and LOC lockout timer are ignored when passing EVS Control between EVS Super Users at
LOCs. If another EVS Super User attempts to gain EVS Control from an LOC, an EVS Control request is
presented to the EVS Super User at the LOC that currently has EVS Control.

Note: Only one EVS Super User is allowed EVS control in the system at a time.

Figure 9-3 EVS Super User Window


EVS Point Functionality

Any EVS 5880 (5880 LED/Contact module with the EVS Trigger option enabled) can be used for EVS inputs.
The Point EVS 1-8 Alarm input types can be used to trigger predetermined EVS events for output areas. EVS-
VCM and EVS-RVM points can be programmed to trigger Voice Aux events that can allow external audio to be
played through the emergency system.


EVS Point Activations

EVS points can only activate outputs and be placed into an alarm state if the system is not in Manual EVS State.
EVS points have no priority and all are allowed to be activated. If the EVS point is a higher priority than the Fire

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