Allied Telesis AT-S62 User Manual
Page 151

AT-S62 Management Software Command Line Interface User’s Guide
Section I: Basic Operations
Unknown Unicast Rate Limiting Status - Displays the status of unicast
rate limiting. If enabled, the port has a threshold as to the maximum
number of ingress unicast packets it will accept. The default is
disabled. To configure this parameter, refer to “SET SWITCH PORT
RATELIMITING” on page 141.
Rate - The threshold for broadcast, multicast, and unicast rate limiting.
To configure this parameter, refer to “SET SWITCH PORT
RATELIMITING” on page 141.
PVID - Displays the port’s VLAN ID number. This number is equivalent
to the VID of the VLAN where the port is currently an untagged
member. The default is 1, the VID of the Default_VLAN. To add a port
to an existing VLAN or to create a new VLAN, refer to “ADD VLAN” on
page 502 and “CREATE VLAN” on page 504.
Port Priority - Displays the Class of Service priority assigned to the
port. This priority level applies to all ingress untagged packets received
on the port. The default setting is 0. At the default setting, all ingress
untagged packets received on the port are stored in the egress port’s
Q1 egress queue. To set this parameter, refer to “SET SWITCH PORT
PRIORITY OVERRIDEPRIORITY” on page 331. To adjust the
mappings of priority levels to egress queues, see “SET QOS COSP”
on page 329.
Override Priority - Displays whether the Class of Service priority level
in ingress tagged packets is ignored when determining the egress
queue for storing the packets. If this parameter is displaying Yes, the
switch ignores the priority level in tagged packets and uses the priority
level assigned to the port to determine the egress queue. The default
setting is No. At the default setting the priority level in tagged packets
is used to determine the appropriate egress queue. To set this
parameter, refer to “SET SWITCH PORT PRIORITY
OVERRIDEPRIORITY” on page 331. To adjust the mappings of priority
levels to egress queues, see “SET QOS COSP” on page 329.
Mirroring State - Displays the state of port mirroring on the switch. If
port mirroring has been activated on the switch, this field will contain
Enabled. If port mirroring has not been activated on the switch, the
default setting, this field will contain Disabled. To configure port
mirroring, refer to “SET SWITCH MIRROR” on page 194 and “SET
SWITCH PORT MIRROR” on page 195.
Is this mirror port mirror - Displays whether the port is functioning as
the destination port of a port mirror. This field only appears if port
mirroring has been activated on the switch. This field displays No if the
port is not the destination port and Yes if it is the destination port.
For further details on port parameters, refer to Chapter 6, “Port
Parameters” in the AT-S62 Management Software Menus Interface User’s