Yokogawa Removable Chassis DX1000N User Manual
Page 82
IM 04L41B01-17E
The DX returns the following message:
E1 408 “Enter password again for confirmation.”
Enter the password that you entered in step 6.
The DX returns the following message:
You are now logged in.
Logging In after the Password Has Been Set
Specify the host name or IP address of the DX that you want to connect to. Or,
specify the port number (34260) of the setting/measurement server.
The DX returns the following message:
E1 406 “Select function from ‘setting’ or ‘monitor’.”
Enter “setting” to log in to the setting function.
Enter “monitor” to log in to the monitoring function.
The DX returns the following message:
E1 400 “Input username.”
Enter the user name.
The DX returns the following message:
E1 405 “Input user ID.”
Enter the user ID.
The DX returns the following message:
E1 401 “Input password.”
Enter the password.
The DX returns the following message:
You are now logged in.
You will need to enter a new password after the current one expires. Follow the
directions that appear to enter the new password.
Invalid User
If a user tries to log in with the wrong password consecutively for the number of times
specified by the password retry frequency setting, that user is made invalid, and he or
she will be unable to log in.
• Releasing the Invalid User Status
The administrator can release the invalid user status. For instructions on how to do
this, see the Advanced Security Function (/AS1) User’s Manual (IM04L41B01-05EN).
Error Messages and Dealing with Them
If an error message appears while you are logging in, see chapter 10 in the DX1000/
DX1000N User’s Manual or chapter 11 in the DX2000 User’s Manual.
1.12 Using the Setting/Measurement Server