Output transition from auto mode to, Failure fixed power, Low limit – Watlow Series PD User Manual
Page 79: High limit, Hysteresis heat (indirect), Hysteresis cool (direct), Start autotune, Start an autotune, Autotune set point, Pid sets
W a t l o w S e r i e s P D
C h a p t e r 9 D e v i c e C o n f i g T a b l e
Parameter Name
and Description
Web Page
(Read/write and
Loop 1 - Output Transition from Auto Mode to: Select output action when transitioning from Auto (closed) loop to Manual (open) loop
mode.,Configuration Loop Settings 1,,Off (0)Fixed Power (1)Bumpless Power (2),Off (0),658 (R/W)
Loop 1 - Failure Fixed PowerSelect output power level to apply if sensor on input produces errors and transition to manual (open loop) oc-
curs.,Configuration Loop Settings 1,,-10000 to 10000,0,661 (R/W) (/100)
Loop 1 - Closed Loop Limit Low Set PointSet the minimum Auto (closed loop) set point allowed by operator.,Configuration Loop Settings
1,,,,654-655 (R/W) (/1000)
Loop 1 - Closed Loop Limit High Set PointSet the maximum Auto (closed loop) set point allowed by operator.,Configuration Loop Settings
1,,,,656-657 (R/W) (/1000)
Loop 1 - On/Off Indirect HysteresisSet the control switching indirect hysteresis for On/Off control. This determines how far into the on re-
gion the input needs to move before the output turns on.,Configuration Loop Settings 1,,1000 to 99000,3000,662-663 (R/W) (/1000)
Loop 1 - On/Off Direct HysteresisSet the control switching direct hysteresis for On/Off control. This determines how far into the on region
the input needs to move before the output turns on.,Configuration Loop Settings 1,,1000 to 99000,3000,664-665 (R/W) (/1000)
Loop 1 - Start AutotuneActivates autotuning of PID values.,Configuration Loop Settings 1,,No (0)Yes (1),No (0),82 (R/W)
Loop 1 - PID Sets 1Select to use single or multiple PID Sets for Loop 1.,Configuration Loop Settings 1,,Single (0)Multiple (1),Single (0),667
Loop 1 - Ramp ActionSelect the ramp to set point action for Control Loop 1.,Configuration Loop Settings 1,,OffStartupSP ChangeStartup
and SP Change,Off (0),757 (R/W)
Loop 1 - Ramp RateEnter ramp to set point rate for Control Loop 1.,Configuration Loop Settings 1,,0 to 9999000,100000,759-760 (R/W)
Loop 1 - Ramp IntervalSelect the scale of the ramp rate for Control Loop 1.,Configuration Loop Settings 1,,Minute (0)Hour (1),Minute
(0),758 (R/W)
Loop 1 - Output Transition
from Auto Mode to:
Select output action when
transitioning from Auto
(closed) loop to Manual (open)
loop mode.
Configuration Loop
Settings 1
Off (0)
Fixed Power (1)
Bumpless Power (2)
Off (0)
658 (R/W)
Loop 1 - Failure Fixed Power
Select output power level to
apply if sensor on input
produces errors and transition
to manual (open loop) occurs.
Configuration Loop
Settings 1
-10000 to 10000 %
(two decimal places)
661 (R/W) (/100)
Loop 1 - Closed Loop Limit
Low Set Point
Set the minimum Auto (closed
loop) set point allowed by
Configuration Loop
Settings 1
654-655 (R/W)
Loop 1 - Closed Loop Limit
High Set Point
Set the maximum Auto (closed
loop) set point allowed by
Configuration Loop
Settings 1
656-657 (R/W)
Loop 1 - On/Off Indirect Hys-
Set the control switching
indirect hysteresis for On/Off
control. This determines how
far into the on region the
input needs to move before
the output turns on.
Configuration Loop
Settings 1
1000 to 99000 degrees or
662-663 (R/W)
Loop 1 - On/Off Direct Hys-
Set the control switching
direct hysteresis for On/Off
control. This determines how
far into the on region the
input needs to move before
the output turns on.
Configuration Loop
Settings 1
1000 to 99000 degrees or
664-665 (R/W)
Loop 1 - Start Autotune
Activates autotuning of PID
Configuration Loop
Settings 1
No (0)
Yes (1)
No (0)
82 (R/W)
Loop 1 - Autotune Set Point
Set Autotune set point in %.
Configuration Loop
Settings 1
50 to 150 %
666 (R/W)
Loop 1 - PID Sets 1
Select to use single or
multiple PID Sets for Loop 1.
Configuration Loop
Settings 1
Single (0)
Multiple (1)
Single (0)
667 (R/W)
Loop 1 - Ramp Action
Select the ramp to set point
action for Control Loop 1.
Configuration Loop
Settings 1
Off (0)
Startup (1)
SP Change (2)
Startup and SP Change (3)
Off (0)
757 (R/W)
Loop 1 - Ramp Rate
Enter ramp to set point rate for
Control Loop 1.
Configuration Loop
Settings 1
0 to 9999000 degrees or
759-760 (R/W)
Loop 1 - Ramp Interval
Select the scale of the ramp
rate for Control Loop 1.
Configuration Loop
Settings 1
Minute (0)
Hour (1)
Minute (0)
758 (R/W)