Device configuration > outputs > output 4 – Watlow Series PD User Manual

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W a t l o w S e r i e s P D


C h a p t e r 9 D e v i c e C o n f i g T a b l e

Device Configuration > Outputs > Output 4

Output 4 - FunctionSelect the function of the output.,Configuration Output 4,,Off (0)Control (1)Event (2),Off (0),501 (R/W)
Output 4 - Output Cycle TimeSet the cycle time in seconds.,Configuration Output 4,,,,502 (R/W) (/10)
Output 4 - Control SourceSet Loop which will control this output.,Configuration Output 4,,Loop 1 (0)Loop 2 (1),Loop 1 (0),503 (R/W)
Output 4 - Output Mode Time BaseSelect method of output control as either Fixed Time Base or Variable Time Base.,Configuration Output
4,,Fixed (0)Variable (1),Fixed (0),506 (R/W)
Output 4 - StateDisplay state of output.,Monitor Device,,Inactive (0)Active (1),Inactive (0),507 (R)
Output 4 - Output DirectionSelect whether the output will be for heating (reverse action) or cooling (direct action).,Configuration Output
4,,Off (0)Heat (Indirect) (1)Cool (Direct) (2),Off (0),508 (R/W)
Output 4 - Logic OperatorSelect logic operation for event output.,Configuration Output 4,,And (0)Or (1),And (0),509 (R/W)
Output 4 - Output Source Alarm 1Set to enable Alarm 1 source.,Configuration Output 4,,No (0)Yes (1),No (0),510 (R/W)
Output 4 - Output Source Alarm 2Set to enable Alarm 2 source.,Configuration Output 4,,No (0)Yes (1),No (0),511 (R/W)
Output 4 - Output Source Alarm 3Set to enable Alarm 3 source.,Configuration Output 4,,No (0)Yes (1),No (0),512 (R/W)

Parameter Name

and Description

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(Read/write and


Output 4 - Function

Select the function of the out-

Configuration Output 4

Off (0)
Control (1)
Event (2)

Off (0)

501 (R/W)

Output 4 - Output Cycle Time

Set the cycle time in seconds.

Configuration Output 4

0.1 to 60 seconds for non-
mechanical relay outputs
1.0 to 60 seconds for me-
chanical relay outputs

1.0 second for
relay output
10.0 seconds
for mechanical
relay output

502 (R/W) (/10)

Output 4 - Control Source

Set Loop which will control
this output.

Configuration Output 4

Loop 1 (0)
Loop 2 (1)

Loop 1 (0)

503 (R/W)

Output 4 - Output Mode
Time Base

Select method of output con-
trol as either Fixed Time Base
or Variable Time Base.

Configuration Output 4

Fixed (0)
Variable (1)

Fixed (0)

506 (R/W)

Output 4 - Low Power Scale

Set unit value for low power
scale. This setting is the
process power value when the
analog output is at minimum.

Configuration Output 4

0 to 10000 %
(two decimal places)


519-520 (R/W)

Output 4 - High Power Scale

Set unit value for high power
scale. This setting is the
process power value when the
analog output is at maximum.

Configuration Output 4

0 to 10000 %
(two decimal places)


521-522 (R/W)

Output 4 - State

Display state of output.

Monitor Device

Inactive (0)
Active (1)

Inactive (0)

507 (R)

Output 4 - Output Direction

Select whether the output will
be for heating (reverse action)
or cooling (direct action).

Configuration Output 4

Off (0)
Heat (Indirect) (1)
Cool (Direct) (2)

Off (0)

508 (R/W)

Output 4 - Logic Operator

Select logic operation for event

Configuration Output 4

AND (0)
OR (1)

AND (0)

509 (R/W)