Device configuration > alarms > alarm 5 – Watlow Series PD User Manual

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C h a p t e r 9 D e v i c e C o n f i g T a b l e

Device Configuration > Alarms > Alarm 5

Alarm 5 - StatusDisplay status of Alarm.,Monitor DeviceTrend Information,,if tag_ALARM_TYPE == Alarm Type Off -> Off else Inactive
(0)Active (1)Silenced (2),if tag_ALARM_TYPE == Alarm Type Off -> Off else Inactive (0),155 (R)
Alarm 5 - TypeSelect alarm type. A process alarm responds when the temperature crosses a fixed value. A deviation alarm responds when
the temperature deviates from the controlled set point by the Alarm Deviation Set point. ,Monitor DeviceConfiguration Alarm 5,,Off (0)Low
Process (1)High Process (2)Low Deviation (3)High Deviation (4)Low CT (5)High CT (6),Off (0),587 (R/W)
Alarm 5 - Process Alarm SourceSelect input where this alarm gets the information for comparison to the alarm set point.,Monitor Device-
Configuration Alarm 5,,Process Value 1 (0)Process Value 2 (1),Process Value 1 (0),588 (R/W)
Alarm 5 - Process Alarm Set pointSet the alarm process set point in absolute degrees or units.,Monitor DeviceTrend InformationConfigura-
tion Alarm 5,,-30000000 to 30000000,0,158-159 (R/W) (/1000)
Alarm 5 - Deviation From SourceSelect control loop where this alarm gets the control set point for comparison to the alarm set point.,Con-
figuration Alarma,,Loop 1 (0)Loop 2 (1),Loop 1 (0),589 (R/W)
Alarm 5 - Deviation Alarm Set pointSet the alarm deviation set point in degrees or units from Set point.,Monitor DeviceTrend Information-
Configuration Alarm 5,,-2000000200 to 2000000200,1,156-157 (R/W) (/1000)
Alarm 5 - CT Measurement SourceSelect source of current transformer measurement to generate Alarm 5.,Configuration Alarm 5,,Off
(0)Process Value 3 (2)Process Value 4 (3),Process Value 4 (3),590 (R/W)
Alarm 5 - CT Alarm Set pointEnter current transformer set point for Alarm 5 to activate.,Configuration Alarm 5,,-30000000 to
30000000,0,160-161 (R/W) (/1000)

Parameter Name

and Description

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(Read/write and


Alarm 5 - Status

Display status of Alarm 5.

Monitor Device
Trend Information

Inactive (0)
Active (1)
Silenced (2)

Inactive (0)

155 (R)

Alarm 5 - Type

Select alarm type. A process
alarm responds when the tem-
perature crosses a fixed value.
A deviation alarm responds
when the temperature devi-
ates from the controlled set
point by the alarm deviation
set point.

Monitor Device
Configuration Alarm 5

Off (0)
Low Process (1)
High Process (2)
Low Deviation (3)
High Deviation (4)
Low CT (5)
High CT (6)

Off (0)

587 (R/W)

Alarm 5 - Process Alarm

Select input where this alarm
gets the information for com-
parison to the alarm set point.

Monitor Device
Configuration Alarm 5

Process Value 1 (0)
Process Value 2 (1)

Value 1 (0)

588 (R/W)

Alarm 5 - Process Alarm
Set Point

Set the alarm process set
point in absolute degrees or

Monitor Device
Trend Information
Configuration Alarm 5

-30000000 to 30000000
degrees or units


158-159 (R/W)

Alarm 5 - Deviation From

Select control loop where this
alarm gets the control set
point for comparison to the
alarm set point.

Configuration Alarm 5

Loop 1 (0)
Loop 2 (1)

Loop 1 (0)

589 (R/W)

Alarm 5 - Deviation Alarm
Set Point

Set the alarm deviation set
point in degrees or units from
set point.

Monitor Device
Trend Information
Configuration Alarm 5

-2000000200 to 2000000200
degrees or units


156-157 (R/W)

Alarm 5 - CT Measurement

Select source of current trans-
former measurement to gener-
ate Alarm 5.

Configuration Alarm 5

Off (0)
Process Value 3 (2)
Process Value 4 (3)

Value 4 (3)

590 (R/W)

Alarm 5 - CT Alarm Set Point

Enter current transformer set
point for Alarm 5 to activate.

Configuration Alarm 5

-30000000 to 30000000 units 0

160-161 (R/W)