File system: web view, Web view, Logo – Watlow Series PD User Manual

Page 144: Cascade style sheets, Data examples, Cascade style sheet (css)

background image

Data Examples

Data can be logged up to once every second or any

specified interval in seconds or minutes. Input Process
Values, Working Setpoint, Loop Power, Optional Dis-
crete Inputs or Current Transformer inputs are logged
at the user defined logging intervals.

H,Sep 02 03,10:04:23 AM, PV1,PV2,SP1,SP2,PL1,PL2,
DI3, CT4,

This header example, denoted by the letter H, consists of the
Date, Time of Day, Process Variable for Input 1 and Input 2,
Working Set Point for Loop 1 and 2, Power Level for Loop 1
and 2, Digital Input 3 Status and Current Transformer 4 In-
put Value.

D,,10:04:23 AM,22.040,4.050,10.000,0.000,0.00,-6.75,Inac-

This header example, denoted by the letter D, consists
of a blank space for the Date, data for the Time of Day,
Process Variable for Input 1, Process Variable for Input
2, Working Set Point for Loop 1, Working Set Point for
Loop 2, Power Level for Loop 1, Power Level for Loop 2,
Digital Input 3 Status and Current Transformer 4 In-
put Value.

Commas separate each field of the Header and Data

records. Information in the Header record corresponds
to the value in the Data record.

Alarm States are logged as an event and are not sub-

ject to the Logging Interval setting. For example, if the
Logging Interval is configured for 1 minute, and Alarm
1 goes active several seconds after the last logging inter-
val, a log entry will indicate the event:

A,,10:05:01 AM,Low Process Alarm 1 Active: Set Point 10.000

If the alarm is cleared several seconds later, this

event will also be logged:

A,,10:05:12 AM,Low Process Alarm 1 Inactive: Set Point

File System: Web View

The Web View page allows customization of the web

page served by the Series PD. The web banner at the
top of the web page, the logo and web page formatting
attributes can be customized for each Series PD.


This allows changing the logo in the upper left cor-

ner of the banner which can contain your company logo,
a picture (.jpg) or animation file (.gif) to identify the
process or customize the appearance of the Series PD
web page. The Storage Device 1 file size limits (approxi-
mately 21k per file) and the banner area limit the logo

The file used for the logo can be loaded into Storage

Device 1 on the File Manager page or can be called from
an external HTML reference location.

Cascade Style Sheet (CSS)

This allows customization of the Series PD web

pages. The web page elements, fonts, colors and format-
ting can be changed by editing the cascade style sheet
file. Most browsers support cascade style sheets

The contents of the default style sheet are as fol-


.Logo { float: left; }

.Banner { font: italic 46px Times; width: 100%; text-
align: center; background-color: #FFFFCC; color:

border-bottom-width: 2;

border-bottom-style: solid;

border-bottom-color: #004488;


.NavigationBody { font: 18px Times; background-color:
#FFFFCC; color: #004488; margin-left: 1%; margin-top:
1%; }

.DeviceDisclaimer { font: 12px Times; text-align: left }

.PageTitle { font: 30px Times; width: 100%; text-align:
center; background-color: #004488; color: #6699CC; }

.PageBody { font: 18px Times; background-color:
#FFFFFF; color: #004488; margin-left: 1%; margin-top:
1%; }

.MonitorHeader { font: 14px Times; width: 100%; text-
align: left; background-color: #6699CC; color: #004488; }

.Alert { background-color: #FF0000 };

.NoAlert { };

.Warning { font: bold; color: #FF0000 };

A:link { text-decoration: underline; color: #004488; }

A:visited { text-decoration: underline; color: #004488; }

A:active { text-decoration: none; color: #6699cc; }

A:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #FF0000; }

// The following is used for the explorer like navigation

.mhead {

width: 100%;

margin: 0px;

padding: 1px;

display: block;

font-size: 100%;

font: 14px Times; background-color: #FFFFCC; color:


.submenu {

display: none;

margin-left: 5px;

padding: 1px;

line-height: 100%;

font: 16px Times; background-color: #FFFFCC; color:

W a t l o w S e r i e s P D

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