Autotuning, Inputs, Infosense™ sensing – Watlow Series PD User Manual

Page 132: Calibration offset, Filter time constant, Infosense-p™ temperature sensing

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W a t l o w S e r i e s P D

1 3 0

C h a p t e r 1 0 F e a t u r e s


The autotuning feature allows the controller to

measure the system response to determine effective set-
tings for PID control. When autotuning is initiated the
controller reverts to on-off control. The temperature
must cross the Autotune Set Point four times to com-
plete the autotuning process. Once complete, the con-
troller controls at the normal set point, using the new

To initiate an autotune, go to Device Configura-

tion > Control Loops > Loop 1 or 2 > Loop Settings
and click the Start Autotune button. During an auto-
tune, Control Loop Status indicates Autotuning. Once
the autotune is complete, Control Loop Status reverts
to its original status.


INFOSENSE-P™ Temperature Sensing

Watlow’s INFOSENSE-P™ feature can improve

temperature sensing accuracy by 50%. Watlow’s INFO-
SENSE-P™ thermocouples and RTD temperature sen-
sors must be used together to achieve these results.

Each INFOSENSE-P™ plug and play “smart” sen-

sor provides sensor characterization information to the
Series PD. These values characterize Watlow sensors
resulting in greater system accuracy.

To set up an analog input to accept an INFOS-

ENSE-P™ sensor, go to Device Configuration > In-
puts > Analog Input 1 or 2 > Analog Input Sensor
and select InfoSense PnP.

The Series PD reads the INFOSENSE-P™ sensor

information upon power up and any time an input error
occurs. Contact your Watlow salesperson or Watlow au-
thorized distributor for the pricing and availability of
Watlow INFOSENSE-P™ sensor products.

Calibration Offset

Calibration offset allows a device to compensate for

an inaccurate sensor, lead resistance or other factors
that affect the input value. A positive offset increases
the input value, and a negative offset decreases the in-
put value.

To view or change the input offset value, go to De-

vice Configuration > Inputs > Analog Input 1 or 2
> Single Offset Value
. Enter an offset value and click
the Submit button to send the new values.

Filter Time Constant

Filtering smoothes an input signal by applying a

first-order filter time constant to the signal. Filtering
the input signal may improve the performance of PID
control in a noisy or very dynamic system.

To view or change the filter time constant value, go

to Device Configuration > Inputs > Analog Input 1
or 2 > Input Filtering Filter Method
and select
First Order. Enter a Filter Time Base value and
click the Submit button to send the new value.

Unfiltered Input Signal



Filtered Input Signal





Temperature Reading

from Sensor

Actual Process Temperature

Negative Calibration Offset will
compensate for the difference
between the Sensor Reading and
the Actual Temperature



Autotune begins

Process Set Point

Autotune Set Point

(90 percent of Process Set Point)

Autotune complete