Watlow Series PD User Manual

Page 54

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W a t l o w S e r i e s P D


C h a p t e r 7 C o n f i g u r a t i o n P a g e

Figure 52 — Datalog Configuration Web Page Tag Descriptions

Tag #

Datalog Configuration


Parameter Description



Activate the datalogging function. Enable or Disable.

Parameters to Datalog


Process Value 1 and 2

Selects the analog input values for Input 1 and Input 2 to be
logged. Input 2 only appears on dual channel models.


Working Set Point 1 and 2

Selects the active set point values for Input 1 and Input 2 to be
logged. Input 2 only appears on dual channel models. The working
set point could be one of several set point sources, Auto Set Point,
Digital Set Point or Ramp to Set Point.


Loop Power 1 and 2

Selects the output power level values for Loop 1 and Loop 2 to be
logged. Loop 2 only appears on dual channel models.


Digital Input 3 and 4

Selects the digital input status for Input 3 and Input 4 to be
logged. These only appear on models where the digital inputs are


Current Transformer (CT)

Input 3 and 4

Selects the current transformer input value for Input 3 and Input 4
to be logged. These only appear on models where the digital inputs
are installed.


Alarm 1-8 Status

Selects the alarm status for Alarms 1-8 to be logged.

Logging Parameters


Logging Interval Time

Sets the time interval for logging the selected data. 1 to 200.


Logging Interval Units

Selects the time units for the interval time for logging the selected
data. Seconds or Minutes.


Logging Data Compression

Selects the data compression function. With data compression en-
abled, parameter values only get logged if the value has changed.
Yes or No.


When log file is full

Selects the action the Series PD should take when a log file gets
full. Stop Logging or Overwrite Oldest Data.


Write Log File to TFTP Server

Enables the Series PD to transfer logged information to a TFTP
(trivial file transfer protocol) server. Yes or No.


TFTP Server IP Resolution

Selects the method for assigning the TFTP server IP address. Get
Server IP from Server Name or Fixed Server Address.


TFTP Server Name

Sets the TFTP server name used for assigning an IP address.


TFTP Server Fixed Address

Sets the TFTP server fixed IP address.


Send Email on Error

Enables email to be sent if TFTP server is unavailable for upload.


Delete All Datalog File

Deletes all datalog files currently stored in the Series PD. Be sure
you have transferred any files you want to keep.