Security configuration page – Watlow Series PD User Manual
Page 51
W a t l o w S e r i e s P D
C h a p t e r 7 C o n f i g u r a t i o n P a g e
Security Configuration Page
The Security Configuration page sets up four independent levels of access for the Series PD. The four security
levels are:
No Security-Read only access to the Monitor Device page. The Device Information page is a read only page.
Monitor-Read/write access to the Monitor Device page. The Device Information page is a read only page.
Configuration-Read/write access to the Monitor Device page and all Device Configuration pages. The
Device Information page is a read only page.
Administration-Full read/write access to all pages. The Device Information page is a read only page.
Accessing any level except no security, requires the user to login. The Monitor, Configuration and Administra-
tion security levels each have independent user names and passwords. The default user name and password for all
three levels is:
user name - new
password - user
The login screen contains a check box to save your password in your password list. If you check this box, you
will only need to enter this information once. If you close the browser, you will be required to enter this information
again. An incorrect or cancelled login attempt will also require the user to type in the correct information again.
Note: Be sure to change the default user names and passwords if device security is important in your application.
Note: You must click Submit for each security level to send the new user name and password information to the Series PD.
Figure 49 — Security Configuration Web Page Example
Note: Red tag arrows and tag numbers are links to item descriptions. Click on a red tag arrow or number to go to a description of the item.