Yamaha DME User Manual
Page 94

Chapter 3 Main Panel Window
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
■ Designer
The Designer list displays DME or SP2060 units arranged in the currently valid device group in the
DME Designer.
The unit in the DME Designer is matched with a recognized IP address, and they are compared
DME Name
Displays the names of DME or SP2060 units included in the project.
When multiple DMEs and SP2060s of the same type are arranged in a zone window, it is a good
idea to change the name of each one.
IP Address Select Box
Matches the units in the Designer with recognized IP addresses. Click the [IP Address] column [V]
button to see a list of the IP addresses of all devices of the same type in the area. If the unit is a
DME24N, IP addresses for all DME24N devices in the area will be displayed on the list.
If you click the title bar with “IP Address” written on it (pale [
▲]/[▼] mark appears), you can line
them up vertically.
■ Network
The devices currently connected to the network are displayed in the Network list. To keep
consistency with the Designer list on the left side, the status of DMEs on the network is displayed.
IP Address
• Device Icon
Displays DME, SP2060 and ICP1 devices connected to the network. The device group master
DME or SP2060 icon is red. Icons for slave DMEs and SP2060s are blue. DMEs and SP2060s
and ICP1 devices with no relation to DMEs and SP2060s in Designer have gray icons.
• IP Address
Displays the DME or SP2060 IP address.
■ Message Area
Displays a message that synchronization is in progress.
IP Address Select Box
Device Name
Device Icon