Setting the internal head amp id – Yamaha DME User Manual

Page 140

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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window

DME Designer Owner’s Manual


Setting the Internal Head Amp ID

Click [Internal HA Control] in the [Tools] menu to open the “Internal HA Control” dialog box. ID
numbers for the internal DME head amplifiers that are to be controlled from the digital mixer are
assigned via this dialog box. The ID numbers are displayed as AD8HR IDs on the digital mixer. Click
on a [Device Label] field and select the target DME unit from the drop-down menu that appears.

Device Group Select Field

Selects the target device group.

[Device Label]

Selects the DME unit to which head amp control is to be applied.

[Insert] Button

Inserts an unassigned row at the currently selected DME in the list. The originally selected DME will
be moved to the next row.

[Clear] Button

Deletes the currently selected DME from the list.

[Clear All] Button

Clears all settings from the list.

[Move Up]

Moves the selected DME up one row in the list.

[Move Down]

Moves the selected DME one row down in the list.

[Utility] Button

Opens the “Misc” tab in the Utility dialog box. Select the DME unit to be used for serial
communication with the digital mixer and specify the port to be used for head amp control via the
[Internal HA Control] parameter.

[OK] Button

Applies the settings and closes the dialog box.

[Cancel] Button

Closes the dialog box without applying the setting changes.