Yamaha DME User Manual

Page 93

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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window

DME Designer Owner’s Manual


[Go On-line] Button

This button will be grayed out when the software is online.
Clicking the button displays a dialog box where you can decide the synchronization method.

[DME Designer

→ Device] button

A consistency check is performed between the data in the current device group and the DME or
SP2060 data, then the communication status changes to online. Transmits data from the DME
Designer to the DME or SP2060 unit and synchronizes the two.

[DME Designer

← Device] button

Data from the DME or SP2060 unit is read into DME Designer. Current data stored in the DME or
SP2060 unit, such as scenes, are read into DME Designer. The configurations in the DME unit and
DME Manager must identical to allow synchronization. Even if the basic configurations are the
same, if one has been edited or changed in any way synchronization will not be possible.
SP2060 configurations cannot be edited, so synchronization is always possible.

[Go Off-line] Button

Clicking this button changes from online to offline. While offline, this button will be grayed out.

[Close] Button

Closes the dialog box.

[Close this window after synchronization] Checkbox

When this checkbox is checked the dialog window will close automatically after synchronization.

[Store Project File into DME after synchronization] Checkbox

When this checkbox is checked the project file (.daf extension) will be automatically saved in the
DME unit after synchronization.


For details on backing up the DME or SP2060 data as a file, refer to “Backup” on

page 174
